2023-2030 年全球虚拟製作市场规模研究与预测(按组件、类型、最终用户和区域分析)Global Virtual Production Market Size study & Forecast, by Component by Type by End-user and Regional Analysis, 2023-2030 |
2022年,全球虚拟製作市场价值约为17.8亿美元,预计在2023-2030年预测期内将以超过18.20%的健康成长率成长。电影製作者可以透过逼真的虚拟角色、三维影像以及由于虚拟製作而在工作室中即时更新的互动式虚拟背景来研究和想像数位世界。由于多年来虚拟製作的重大改进,电影製作人现在可以使用动作捕捉的演员手势来创建虚拟角色,这些角色可以透过真人镜头和虚拟场景扩展进行即时预览。由于 NBC 环球、维亚康姆 CBS、华特迪士尼工作室和华纳媒体等主要製片厂采用虚拟製作,地区电影的格局发生了巨大变化。由于媒体、娱乐和广告行业寻求尖端技术和数位工具以将虚拟效果添加到实际场景中,製作变得更加灵活和经济。透过虚拟製作,电影製作者可以透过逼真的虚拟角色、三维图形以及在工作室中即时变化的互动式虚拟背景来探索和视觉化数位场景。由于多年来虚拟製作领域的重大进步,电影製作人现在可以使用动作捕捉的演员动作来创建虚拟角色,这些角色可以与真人镜头和虚拟场景扩展一起即时预览。 NBC环球、维亚康姆哥伦比亚广播公司、华特迪士尼工作室和华纳媒体等电影製片厂采用虚拟製作彻底改变了地区电影格局。媒体、娱乐和广告业一直在寻找尖端技术和数位工具,将虚拟效果添加到真实场景中,使製作更加灵活且经济实惠。
LED 视讯墙的使用不断增加,导致媒体和娱乐产业使用的虚拟製作数量不断增加。电影製作者可以使用 LED 视讯墙即时录製特效,并在背景中显示电脑生成的图形。 COVID-19 疫情爆发后,随着 LED 视讯墙取代绿屏,电影製作变得更加容易。由于 LED 视讯墙的使用不断增加,媒体和娱乐产业越来越多地实施虚拟製作。 LED 视讯墙使电影製作者能够即时捕捉视觉效果,同时在背景中显示电脑生成的图形。随着 LED 视讯墙取代绿屏,在 COVID-19 疫情爆发后,电影製作变得更加容易。例如,ABC 的 SkyLine 在 2020 年 4 月使用 360 度摄影机记录了所有现实生活场景,并没有使用绿屏,而是在 LED 萤幕上显示。此外,透过将预先视觉化(预製作过程中的一个步骤)引入场景并消除在昂贵的地点拍摄的需要,虚拟製作技术降低了製作影片的成本。电影製作者可以透过使用预视觉化来更好地规划摄影机定位和其他创意/技术要求,从而产生最终视觉效果动作序列的第一个三维描述。例如,电脑和电子产品製造商HTC VIVE 于2022 年4 月推出了虚拟製作技术VIVE Mars CamTrack。降低了成本。电影製作人可以透过使用 VIVE Mars Cam Track 充分錶达他们的创意愿景,在许多情况下,演员可以在场景中无缝过渡到任意数量的虚拟背景,从而消除了现场拍摄的需要。然而,初始设定的高资本支出抑制了 2023-2030 年预测期间的市场成长。
全球虚拟製作市场研究考虑的关键区域包括亚太地区、北美、欧洲、拉丁美洲以及中东和非洲。 2022 年,北美市场占据主导地位。造成这种情况的罪魁祸首是该地区顶级电影製片厂(例如 NBC 环球公司、维亚康姆哥伦比亚广播公司、华纳媒体和华特迪士尼工作室)广泛使用虚拟製作。当地企业在研发方面投入大量资金来创建尖端的虚拟製作软体,这进一步促进了区域市场的成长。在预测期内,亚太地区预计将以最快的CAGR成长,并在全球市场上获得相当大的吸引力。该地区市场的电影製片厂正在以最高的速度实施虚拟製作技术之一。韩国、日本、澳洲、中国和印度是推动虚拟製作解决方案需求的主要国家。
Global Virtual Production Market is valued approximately at USD 1.78 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than 18.20% over the forecast period 2023-2030. Filmmakers can investigate and envision digital worlds with lifelike virtual characters, three-dimensional images, and an interactive virtual background that is updated in real time in the studio because of virtual production. due to major improvements in virtual production over the years, filmmakers may now use motion-captured actor gestures to create virtual characters that can be previewed in real-time with live-action footage and virtual set expansions. The landscape of regional cinema has drastically changed as a result of the adoption of virtual production by major studios like as NBC Universal, Viacom CBS, Walt Disney Studios, and Warner Media. Production has become more flexible and economical as a result of the media, entertainment, and advertising industries' search for cutting-edge technology and digital tools to add virtual effects to actual sets. With virtual production, filmmakers can explore and visualize digital scenarios with realistic virtual characters, three-dimensional graphics, and an interactive virtual background that changes in real time within the studio. Filmmakers can now use motion-captured actor movements to create virtual characters that can be previewed in real-time alongside live-action footage and virtual set extensions thanks to significant advancements in the field of virtual production over the years. The adoption of virtual production by film studios, including NBC Universal, Viacom CBS, Walt Disney Studios, and Warner Media, has completely changed the regional film landscape. The media, entertainment, and advertising sectors have been looking for cutting-edge technology and digital tools to add virtual effects to real sets, which has made production more flexible and affordable.
The increasing use of LED video walls has led to an increasing amount of virtual production being used by the media and entertainment industries. Filmmakers can record special effects in real time with LED video walls, which also display computer-generated graphics in the background. After the COVID-19 break, film production has grown more accessible with the replacement of green screens with LED video walls. The media and entertainment industries are implementing virtual production more and more thanks to the growing use of LED video walls. LED video walls allow filmmakers to capture visual effects in real time while displaying computer-generated graphics in the background. With the introduction of LED video walls in place of green screens, film production has become more accessible following the COVID-19 break. For example, ABC''s SkyLine used a 360-degree camera to record all of its real-life scenes in April 2020, and instead of using a green screen, they showed them on an LED screen. Additionally, by bringing pre-visualization-a step in the pre-production process-to the set and removing the need to shoot in pricey locations, virtual production technology lowers the cost of producing videos. Movie makers can better plan out camera positioning and other creative/technical requirements by using pre-visualization, which generates a first three-dimensional depiction of the final visual effects action sequence. For example, the computer and electronics manufacturer HTC VIVE introduced VIVE Mars CamTrack, a virtual production technology, in April 2022. This virtual production software accelerates, simplifies, and reduces costs by encapsulating the whole camera tracking workflow into a compact, plug-and-play module that possesses professional-level capabilities. Filmmakers may fully express their creative vision by using VIVE Mars Cam Track, which in many cases eliminates the need to shoot on location by enabling actors to seamlessly transition into any number of virtual backdrops during a scene. However, the High Capital Expenditure Forfor Initial Set-Up stifles market growth throughout the forecast period of 2023-2030.
The key regions considered for the Global Virtual Production Market study includes Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America dominated the market in 2022 . The widespread use of virtual production in the region's top film studios, such as NBC Universal, Viacom CBS, Warner Media, and Walt Disney Studios, is to blame for this. The growth of the regional market is further aided by the large expenditures made by local businesses in R&D to create cutting-edge virtual production software. Over the course of the projection years, Asia Pacific is expected to grow at fastest CAGR and acquire considerable traction in the worldwide global market. Film studios in the area market are implementing virtual production technologies at one of the highest rates. South Korea, Japan, Australia, China, and India are the main nations fueling the demand for virtual production solutions.
The objective of the study is to define market sizes of different segments & countries in recent years and to forecast the values to the coming years. The report is designed to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the industry within countries involved in the study.
The report also caters detailed information about the crucial aspects such as driving factors & challenges which will define the future growth of the market. Additionally, it also incorporates potential opportunities in micro markets for stakeholders to invest along with the detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product offerings of key players. The detailed segments and sub-segment of the market are explained below:
List of tables and figures are dummy in nature, final lists may vary in the final deliverable
List of tables and figures are dummy in nature, final lists may vary in the final deliverable