
Frost & Sullivan 2024 年东协汽车产业成长展望

Frost & Sullivan's 2024 ASEAN Automotive Growth Outlook

出版日期: | 出版商: Frost & Sullivan | 英文 76 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内



该分析评估了东南亚国家联盟 (ASEAN) 国家的汽车产业,重点在于五个主要市场:印尼、马来西亚、菲律宾、泰国和越南。计划将以光伏和皮卡为目标。皮卡是该地区各个地区和农业等行业中使用最多和最受欢迎的CV。

东协先进的汽车生产基地和生产活动活跃的国家有印尼、马来西亚、泰国和越南。该地区是国内外OEM厂的组装厂所在地,如马来西亚的 Perodua 和 Proton,以及越南的 VinFast。随着新兴地区东协在GDP、都市化、道路基础设施和生活水准方面持续快速成长,光电销售和持有预计将加速成长。然而,由于地缘政治衝突和供应链中断,汽车产业面临晶片短缺和交付延迟等挑战。

日本品牌的主导地位正受到中国和韩国的发展的威胁,中国和韩国正在大力进军该地区并重塑竞争格局。随着全球对电动车 (EV) 的需求不断增长,该地区正在向移动出行的电动转型,并认识到电动车是实现永续未来的关键要素。

该研究概述了每个汽车市场的规模,提供了 2022 年的历史资料和 2024 年的预测,描述了 2023 年的行业亮点,并讨论了 2024 年的市场趋势。



  • 为什么成长如此困难?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8(TM)
  • 关键策略要务措施对东协汽车产业的影响
  • 成长机会推动Growth Pipeline Engine(TM)


  • 东协概况
  • 各国汽车销售
  • 调查结果 - 2023 年总结
  • 调查结果 - 2024 年 5 个主要预测
  • 值得注意的法规和义务 - 简介
  • 预测特定国家的汽车销售量
  • 销售趋势
  • 市场占有率分析

2024 年世界经济展望

  • 2024 年十大趋势
  • 2024 年十大成长机会
  • 世界GDP成长率
  • 通货膨胀率和利率
  • 外汇趋势
  • 石油市场
  • 劳动市场
  • 关键矿产供应
  • 北美洲
  • 西欧
  • 中东
  • 亚太地区
  • 国家名单


  • 调查范围
  • 市场区隔与定义
  • 分析范围


  • 推动东协光电产业发展的主要趋势
  • 趋势一:印尼、泰国成为重要生产基地
  • 趋势二:电动车在主要国家越来越普及
  • 趋势三:东协主要国家推动交通电气化


  • 产业分析
  • 供应商分析


  • 产业分析
  • 供应商分析


  • 产业分析
  • 供应商分析


  • 产业分析
  • 供应商分析


  • 产业分析
  • 供应商分析


  • 成长机会1-消费行为的变化
  • 成长机会2 - 社会对气候变迁的担忧将加速电动车的普及和电动车生态系统
  • 成长机会3-泰国和印尼成为外国投资者下一个最佳国家


  • 结论
  • 结论与未来展望


  • 简称表


Product Code: PFJ4-44

Electrification Presents Attractive Growth Opportunities

This analysis assesses the automotive industry in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries and focuses on the 5 main markets (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam). The project covers PVs and pickups. Pickups are the most used and popular CVs in various geographies and industries, including agriculture, in the region.

ASEAN-developed automotive production bases and active production countries are Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. The region is home to assembly plants of foreign and domestic OEMs, including Perodua and Proton from Malaysia and VinFast from Vietnam. As an emerging region, ASEAN's GDP, urbanization, road infrastructure, and living standards continue to rapidly grow and will accelerate PV sales and ownership. However, the automotive industry faces challenges because of geopolitical conflicts and supply chain disruptions that are causing chip shortages and delivery delays.

The leading position of Japanese brands are being challenged by Chinese and South Korean OEMs that are making significant progress into the region and reshaping the competitive landscape. With the acceleration of electric vehicle (EV) demand globally, the region is transitioning toward electrification of mobility and recognizes EVs as a key component in realizing a sustainable future.

The study outlines the size of respective automotive markets, provides historical data from 2022 and a forecast for 2024, explains industry highlights from 2023, and describes market trends for 2024.

Table of Contents

Strategic Imperatives

  • Why is it Increasingly Difficult to Grow?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8™
  • The Impact of the Top 3 Strategic Imperatives on the ASEAN Automotive Industry
  • Growth Opportunities Fuel the Growth Pipeline Engine™

Growth Environment

  • ASEAN Overview
  • Automotive Sales by Country
  • Findings-A Recap of 2023
  • Findings-Top 5 Predictions for 2024
  • Notable Regulations and Mandates-A Snapshot
  • Vehicle Sales Forecast for Selected Countries
  • Sales Trend
  • Market Share Analysis

2023 Global Economic Outlook

  • Top 10 Trends for 2024
  • Top 10 Growth Opportunities
  • Global GDP Growth
  • Inflation and Interest Rates
  • Currency Trajectory
  • Oil Market
  • Labor Market
  • Critical Mineral Supplies
  • North America
  • Western Europe
  • Middle East
  • Asia-Pacific
  • List of Countries

Research Scope, Segmentation, and Definition

  • Research Scope
  • Market Segmentation and Definition
  • Scope of Analysis


  • Top Trends Driving the ASEAN PV Industry
  • Trend 1-Indonesia and Thailand to Become Pivotal Production Hubs
  • Trend 2-Increased Adoption of EVs in Key Countries
  • Trend 3-Key ASEAN Countries To Promote Transport Electrification

Indonesia Analysis

  • Industry Analysis-Indonesia
  • Vendor Analysis-Indonesia

Malaysia Analysis

  • Industry Analysis-Malaysia
  • Vendor Analysis-Malaysia

Philippines Analysis

  • Industry Analysis-Philippines
  • Vendor Analysis-Philippines

Thailand Analysis

  • Industry Analysis-Thailand
  • Vendor Analysis-Thailand

Vietnam Analysis

  • Industry Analysis-Vietnam
  • Vendor Analysis-Vietnam

Growth Opportunity Universe

  • Growth Opportunity 1-Changing Consumer Behavior
  • Growth Opportunity 2-Societal Concerns Over Climate Change to Accelerate EV Adoption and the EV Ecosystem
  • Growth Opportunity 3-Thailand and Indonesia to Become the Next Favorable Countries For Foreign Investors


  • Conclusions
  • Conclusions and Future Outlook


  • Abbreviation List

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