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替代甜味剂市场 - 预测 2023-2028Alternative Sweetener Market - Forecasts from 2023 to 2028 |
替代甜味剂或糖替代品是提供与糖相似的甜味,但比糖基甜味剂热量更少、零热量或低热量的食品添加剂。 替代甜味剂是通过化学合成或加工植物提取物获得的。 非处方替代甜味剂有多种形式,包括袋装、粉末和小片剂。 流行的市售替代甜味剂包括糖醇、阿斯巴甜、罗汉果、纯化甜叶菊叶提取物、纽甜、糖精和三氯蔗糖。
消费者的生活质量显着改善,这主要归功于个人收入的提高。 消费者的健康意识越来越强,饮食习惯正在发生重大变化。 公司还致力于创造促进健康的有益健康的特色产品。 因此,对低热量甜味剂的需求不断增长正在推动预测期内全球替代甜味剂市场的增长。 不断增长的糖尿病人口也刺激了作为不影响消费者血糖水平的替代甜味剂的增长。
食品应用中的甜味剂替代品可以替代散装食品和个人水平中的蔗糖和果糖。 因此,替代甜味剂是多种产品中糖的有用替代品,包括口香糖、糖果、冰淇淋、烘焙食品和水果酱。 也适用于酸奶、馅料和糖霜、罐装水果、饮料等。 它还用于漱口水、牙膏、润喉糖和止咳糖浆等药物中。
碳水化合物多元醇对健康有积极影响。 除了其独特的功能和干净、甜美的味道外,多元醇还具有显着的健康益处。 它的一大优点是热量低且不会升高血糖水平。 木糖醇和山梨糖醇等糖替代品具有抗蛀牙的特性,非常适合用于牙膏、薄荷糖和口香糖。 肥胖、糖尿病和代谢综合征患病率的增加,加上消费者知识的提高,正在推动低热量替代甜味剂的积极增长。 据 IDF 称,2021 年将有 5.37 亿人患有糖尿病。 预测显示,到 2030 年,这一数字将增至 6.43 亿,到 2045 年将增至 7.83 亿。 2 型糖尿病可能影响 5.41 亿人。 到 2021 年,糖尿病将导致 670 万人死亡。
此外,随着消费者追求更健康的生活方式并增强健康意识,对无糖食品和饮料的需求不断增加。 美国营养与饮食学会最近的一项研究发现,在过去十年中,美国消费者购买人工甜味剂製成的产品的数量超过了糖或高果糖玉米糖浆的数量。 因此,这些消费趋势正在推动替代甜味剂市场的增长。 由于健康意识不断增强,各公司纷纷推出使用人工甜味剂的无糖、低热量零食和饮料,进一步增加了对人工甜味剂的需求。 例如,2023 年 4 月,Planet Bake's 推出了一系列无谷物、无糖和纯素甜甜圈。 Planet Bake 的第一系列产品精选最健康、最优质和最环保的原料,同时不影响味道或质地。 Planet Bake 甜甜圈使用阿洛酮糖来获得天然甜味。
此外,2023 年 3 月,低糖烘焙食品公司 HighKey 推出了一款新的无糖夹心饼干,由两片酥脆的巧克力威化饼包裹着一层香草奶油组成。 该公司使用赤藓糖醇和阿洛酮糖作为替代甜味剂。
对于替代甜味剂,预计亚太地区将占有很大的市场份额。 由于健康意识的增强、城市化程度的提高和可支配收入的增加,该地区在预测期内将呈现高速增长。 中国和印度等新兴国家对替代甜味剂的需求正在增加。 该地区的市场增长归因于饮食习惯的改变以及对低热量食品和饮料的需求不断增长。 替代甜味剂不会影响血糖水平,因此非常适合糖尿病患者。 因此,印度和中国等国家的糖尿病患病率正在上升,从而增加了该地区的需求。 根据国际糖尿病联盟发布的统计数据,2021年印度成年人中将有8.3%,即超过7400万人患有糖尿病。 预计到 2045 年,这一数字将达到 1.248 亿。 2021年,13%的中国成年人(超过1.4亿人)将被诊断出患有糖尿病。 预计到 2045 年,这一数字将达到 1.744 亿。 此外,新参与者的崛起以及亚太国家主要市场参与者的存在正在推动需求。 印度、中国、日本、韩国、泰国、台湾和印度尼西亚是亚太地区的主要市场。
Alternative sweeteners or sugar substitutes are food additives that give sweetness similar to sugar but have fewer calories than sugar-based sweeteners, making them zero-calorie or low-calorie. Alternate sweeteners may be derived through chemical synthesis or processing plant extracts. Commercial alternative sweeteners come in various forms, including packets, powders, or small tablets. Some popular commercial alternate sweeteners include sugar alcohol, aspartame, monk fruit, purified stevia leaf extract, Neotame, Saccharin, and Sucralose.
The consumer's quality of life has significantly improved, mostly due to high personal income. The population's eating habits have changed significantly due to growing health consciousness among consumers. Also, businesses are putting a lot of effort into creating items made of healthy and specialist goods that enhance health. Therefore growing demand for low-caloric sweeteners is propelling the growth of the global market for alternative sweeteners during the forecast period. The rising diabetic population is also spurring growth as alternate sweeteners as they do not affect the blood sugar level of the consumer.
However, the government's stringent rules and regulations and high costs obstruct the growth of the global market for alternative sweeteners during the analysis period.
Alternative sweeteners in food applications can be used in bulk and on an individual level instead of sucrose or fructose. Due to this, alternate sweeteners are beneficial substitutes for sugar in various commodities, such as chewing gum, sweets, ice cream, baked goods, and fruit spreads. They also work nicely in yogurt, fillings & frostings, canned fruit, and beverages. Moreover, they are used in mouthwashes, toothpaste, and pharmaceuticals, including throat lozenges and cough syrups.
Sugar polyols have a positive impact on one's health. In addition to their distinct functional qualities and clean, sweet flavor, polyols provide significant health advantages. They have fewer calories and do not raise blood sugar levels, a major benefit. Some sugar substitutes, such as xylitol and sorbitol, have anti-cavity properties and prevent tooth decay, making them perfect for toothpaste, mints, and chewing gums. The prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome has increased, and this, combined with increased consumer knowledge, has resulted in the positive growth of alternative sweeteners with lower calorific content. According to IDF, in 2021, 537 million individuals had diabetes. According to projections, this number will increase to 643 million by 2030 and 783 million by 2045. Type 2 diabetes is more likely to affect 541 million individuals. In 2021, diabetes claimed 6.7 million lives.
There is also a growing demand for sugar-free food and beverage products as consumers move towards healthier lifestyles and become more aware of their health. According to recent research by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, customers have been purchasing more items over the past ten years that are prepared with artificial sweeteners rather than sugar and high-fructose corn syrup in the United States. Therefore such consumer trends are spurring the growth of the alternative sweetener market. Due to growing health consciousness, various companies are launching sugar-free and low-caloric snacks and beverages using artificial sweeteners, further expanding the demand for these sweeteners. For instance, in April 2023, Planet Bake's launched its product range of Grain-free, sugar-free, vegan doughnuts. The first product line from Planet Bake carefully chooses the healthiest, highest-quality, and most environmentally friendly ingredients without ever compromising taste or texture. Planet Bake's doughnuts are made using allulose for a naturally sweet taste.
Moreover, in March 2023, HighKey, a low-sugar baked foods company, launched a new sugar-free sandwich cookie with two crisp chocolate wafers enclosing a layer of vanilla creme. The company used Erythritol and Allulose as alternate sweeteners.
Asia Pacific region is anticipated to hold a significant market share in alternative sweeteners. This region will witness high growth during the forecast period owing to the growing health consciousness, increased urbanization, and rising disposable income. Alternate sweeteners are in increasing demand in emerging economies like China and India. The market is expanding in this region due to changing eating patterns and growing demand for low-caloric food and beverages. Since alternate sweeteners do not affect the blood sugar level and make them a great fit for diabetic patients. Therefore the rising prevalence of diabetes in countries such as India and China is propelling demand in this region. According to the statistics presented by the International Diabetes Federation, 8.3 percent of Indian adults, or more than 74 million people, had diabetes in 2021. This number is expected to reach 124.8 million by 2045. 13 percent of Chinese adults, or more than 140 million people, were diagnosed with diabetes in 2021. This number is expected to reach 174.4 million by 2045. Also, the rise of new companies, along with the existence of key market players in Asia Pacific countries, is fueling demand. India, China, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, and Indonesia are prime markets in the Asia Pacific region.