
食品服务包装 - 市场占有率分析、产业趋势与统计、成长预测(2024 - 2029)

Food Service Packaging - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 180 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内





食品服务包装 - 市场


  • 过去几年,线上订餐和餐厅配送增加了 20% 以上。随着线上食品配送系统的日益普及,对永续食品服务包装市场的需求和使用不断增加,导致製造商选择永续包装解决方案。
  • 澳洲的咖啡馆和餐厅不断成长,使食品服务包装市场受益。根据澳洲统计局的数据,截至 2022 财年末,澳洲各地有超过 5.19 万家咖啡馆和餐厅开业。与 2017 年相比,澳洲营运的咖啡馆和餐厅数量超过 41,500 家。随着咖啡馆和餐厅数量的增加,对食品服务包装的需求也随之增加。咖啡馆和餐厅经常提供外带食物和饮料,因此需要纸袋或塑胶容器等包装。随着更多咖啡馆和餐厅的开业,对零售袋的需求可能会增加。
  • Hinojosa 的使命是协助企业在食品业推广更环保的消费习惯,并从策略上使其更容易将永续性纳入竞争优势。食品服务是对塑胶包装需求最大的产业之一,2021 年包装预製食品的塑胶使用量成长了 33% 以上。2023 年 3 月,Hinojosa 包装集团推出了一系列新的食品服务包装产品,提供一系列采用可安全接触食品的印刷方法的解决方案。容器完全由可回收纸製成,并且可生物降解,这使其在其他包装中脱颖而出。
  • 然而,可持续包装的开发成本高且具挑战性。许多企业需要更多资源,并且需要投资研发以更好地包装其资产负债表。此外,必须考虑简化包装可能节省的成本。使用永续包装的成本高于传统包装。这是由于所涉及的材料及其采购(包括原始的和二手的)以及不太成熟的供应链、製造流程和较低的规模经济。
  • COVID-19 大流行对食品服务包装行业造成了长期影响。为了适应这种新常态,包括包装在内的各个行业的公司都采用了新技术和营运方法。随着人们健康意识的增强,新鲜食品包装的需求增加。消费者偏好包装食品以避免细菌、微生物和病原体引起的疾病,而不是从街头小贩那里购买,预计将推动市场成长。



  • 快餐店 (QSR) 提供低成本食品选择,并专注于服务速度。最少的餐桌服务和对自助服务的重视使该群体有别于传统餐厅。速食店中使用的大多数一次性塑胶食品服务产品包括硬质聚苯乙烯(PS)、发泡聚苯乙烯(EPS)、聚丙烯(PP)、聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)和聚乳酸(PLA)。
  • 在聚苯乙烯泡沫塑胶杯和包装、塑胶盖、纸板架、基因改造蔬菜和无机肉类中,该行业可能更加环保。然而,随着环保服务对客户越来越有吸引力,许多公司正在转向对环境危害较小的绿色选择。
  • 对行动饮食趋势的需求不断增长以及食品支出的增加也支持了对 QSR 的需求,最终推动了对食品服务包装的需求。根据达美乐比萨的数据,美国的速食业(QSR)在过去几十年中逐年增长,其消费支出高峰在 2022 年超过 3,200 亿美元。由于 COVID-19 大流行,2020 年显着下降。
  • 一些以其「有机」选择而闻名的快餐店正在采用更环保的替代品来减少碳足迹。例如,2022 年 6 月,肯德基印度公司推出了“KFConscious”,作为钦奈最永续的餐厅进行行销,因为该店旨在使用环保材料。肯德基印度公司也宣布计划在 2022 年底前在全国再开设 20 家门市。此类情况正在推动快餐业对永续食品服务包装的需求。
  • 2022 年 4 月,英国汉堡王成为英国第一家为其汉堡和配菜尝试一系列可重复使用和可回收的新包装的快餐公司。这次试点发布是与全球重复利用平台 Loop 合作创建的,并见证了这家快餐连锁店尝试了有史以来第一个可重复使用的汉堡蛤壳。这些情况正在推动食品服务包装中对永续方法的需求。


  • 亚太地区由人口稠密的国家和中国、印度等新兴经济体组成。食品服务的需求正在快速增长,可持续包装的采用势头强劲,预计将在预测期内达到最高水平。
  • 塑胶一直是包装产业的重要组成部分,构成了消费者便利文化的基础。由于其性价比,瓦楞纸板、玻璃、金属等传统包装材料在食品服务和食品工业的众多应用中已被塑胶所取代。然而,塑胶在方便使用的同时也使其不可降解,并且永久存在于环境中,仅在印度就造成了 43% 的污染。 2022 年 2 月,可堆肥食品伺服器具品牌 CHUK 加入快速商业公司 Blinkit,成为其永续发展合作伙伴。 Blinkit将CHUK的产品在10分钟内送达终端消费者,并拉近了终端消费者与CHUK之间的距离。此次合作帮助 CHUK 实现了在 2022-23 财年向平台上的最终消费者提供 1000 千万件商品的目标
  • 日本人均包装材料消费量较高,该国的食品与包装产业有着密切的关係。日本食品製造商以使用高科技包装技术和包装设计的独创性而闻名。这种对包装创新的关注导致了日本开发出有吸引力且高效的包装解决方案。
  • 近年来,印度的包装产业也在经历成长。许多製造单元、环保材料的引入以及对研发的日益重视带来了有吸引力的创新包装产品。印度也推行「印度製造」等倡议,旨在促进本地製造和生产。
  • 有了这些倡议和因素,印度的包装行业预计将受益于投资的增加和技术的进步。以较低的成本提供本地製造的产品可以使印度包装业在国内和国际市场上具有竞争力。对环保材料的关注也符合全球永续发展趋势。
  • 此外,据业内人士称,食品服务包装製造商正在青睐软包装,因为它具有视觉吸引力、成本效益高且持久耐用。据 IBEF 称,印度食品和杂货市场是全球第六大市场,零售额占销售额的 70%。印度食品加工业占全国整体食品市场的32%,在产量、消费、出口和预期成长方面排名第六。



2022年3月,Pactiv Evergreen Inc.透过其全资子公司Evergreen Packaging International LLC完成了向Elopak ASA附属公司收购Naturepak Beverage Packaging 50%的投资。 Naturepak Beverage Packaging 的製造工厂位于摩洛哥和沙乌地阿拉伯,为中东和非洲地区的客户提供服务。

2022 年 1 月,Huhtamaki 宣布收购其波兰合资公司 Huhtamaki Smith Anderson Sp. 的全部所有权。来自 Smith Anderson Group Ltd SA 的 z oo。该公司在东欧位于波兰 Czeladz 的 Huhtamaki 工厂生产和销售食品服务纸袋。


  • Excel 格式的市场估算 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月的分析师支持


第 1 章:简介

  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 研究范围

第 2 章:研究方法

第 3 章:执行摘要

第 4 章:市场动态

  • 市场概况
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 买家的议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 替代产品的威胁
    • 竞争激烈程度
  • 产业生态系统分析
  • COVID-19 对餐饮服务包装市场的影响
    • 疫情对市场需求的影响
    • 可重复使用与一次性需求
    • 餐饮服务法规及其对需求的影响
    • 回收和便利需求的影响

第 5 章:市场动态

  • 市场驱动因素
    • 主要市场对方便食品的需求持续成长
    • 由于强调永续性,供应商越来越关注再生塑料
  • 市场挑战
    • 环境压力和聚合物价格的不确定性推动软包装积极稳定成长
  • 市场机会

第 6 章:市场细分

  • 依产品类型
    • 瓦楞纸箱和纸箱
    • 塑胶瓶
    • 托盘、盘子、食品容器和碗
    • 杯子和盖子
    • 蛤壳式
    • 其他产品类型
  • 按最终用户产业
    • 快速反应
    • 全方位服务餐厅
    • 制度性
    • 招待(堂食、咖啡和小吃等)
    • 其他最终用户产业
  • 按地理
    • 北美洲
      • 美国
      • 加拿大
    • 欧洲
      • 英国
      • 德国
      • 法国
      • 义大利
      • 西班牙
      • 欧洲其他地区
    • 亚太
      • 中国
      • 日本
      • 印度
      • 澳洲
      • 亚太其他地区
    • 拉丁美洲
      • 巴西
      • 阿根廷
      • 墨西哥
      • 拉丁美洲其他地区
    • 中东和非洲
      • 沙乌地阿拉伯
      • 南非
      • 埃及
      • 中东和非洲其他地区

第 7 章:竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • Pactiv Evergreen Inc.
    • Dart Container Corporation
    • Amhil North America
    • Genpak LLC
    • Huhtamaki Oyj
    • Berry Global Inc.
    • Novolex Holdings LLC
    • Sabert Corporation
    • Silgan Plastic Food Container
    • B&R Plastics Inc.
    • Graphic Packaging International Inc
    • Amcor PLC
    • Sonoco Products Company

第 8 章:市场的未来

Product Code: 56762

The Food Service Packaging Market size is estimated at USD 128.82 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 158.09 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 4.18% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Food Service Packaging - Market

Key Highlights

  • Over the last few years, online food ordering and restaurant delivery have grown more than 20%. With the increasing adoption of the online food delivery system, the demand and use of the sustainable food service packaging market are rising, causing manufacturers to opt for sustainable packaging solutions.
  • The cafes and restaurants in Australia are growing, benefiting the food service packaging market. Over 51.9 thousand cafes and restaurants were open across Australia as of the end of the fiscal year 2022, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Australia has more cafes and restaurants operating than in 2017 when there were over 41.5 thousand establishments. The demand for food service packaging rises as the number of cafes and restaurants rises. Food and drink to go are frequently offered by cafes and restaurants, necessitating packaging like paper bags or plastic containers. The demand for retail bags can rise as more cafes and restaurants open.
  • Hinojosa's mission is to assist companies in promoting more environmentally friendly consumption habits in the food sector and to strategically make it easier to include sustainability as a competitive advantage. Food service was one of the industries with the most significant demand for plastic for packaging, where plastic usage to package prepared foods climbed by more than 33% in 2021. In March 2023, Hinojosa Packaging Group launched a new line of food service packaging products that offers a range of solutions using printing methods safe for contact with food. This container is constructed entirely of recyclable paper and is biodegradable, which makes it stand out from other packaging.
  • However, sustainable packaging can be expensive and challenging to develop. Many businesses need more resources, and it would require investing in R&D for better packaging on their balance sheets. Further, the potential cost savings from streamlined packaging must be considered. The cost of using sustainable packaging is higher than conventional packaging. This is due to the materials involved and their sourcing (both virgin and used) and the less-established supply chains, manufacturing processes, and lower economies of scale.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic left long-term effects on the food service packaging sector. To adjust to this new normal, companies in every industry, including packaging, embraced new technologies and methods of operation. Demand for fresh food packaging increased as people became more health-conscious. Consumer preference for packaged food to avoid diseases caused by bacteria, microorganisms, and pathogens, rather than buying it from a street vendor, is expected to fuel market growth.

Food Service Packaging Market Trends

Quick-service Restaurants (QSR) to Hold the Largest Share

  • Quick-service restaurants (QSRs) offer low-cost food options, focusing on the speed of service. The minimal table service and emphasis on self-service make this group different from traditional restaurants. Most of the single-use plastic food service products used in QSRs include rigid polystyrene (PS), expanded polystyrene (EPS), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and polylactic acid (PLA).
  • The industry could be more environmentally friendly among the Styrofoam cups and packages, plastic lids, cardboard holders, genetically modified vegetables, and inorganic meat. However, as eco-friendly services become more appealing to customers, many companies are moving to greener options that are less environmentally harmful.
  • The growing demand for on-the-go eating trends and increased spending on food have also supported the demand for QSR, eventually boosting the need for food service packaging. According to Domino's Pizza, The quick service restaurant sector (QSR) in the United States has seen year-over-year growth in the past decades, with its peak consumer spending exceeding USD 320 billion in 2022. Although, Consumer spending in this sector saw a notable decline in 2020 owing to COVID-19 Pandemic.
  • Some quick-service restaurants, known for their 'organic' options, are adapting to more environmentally friendly alternatives to reduce their carbon footprint. For instance, in June 2022, KFC India unveiled 'KFConscious,' marketed as the most sustainable restaurant in Chennai, as the outlet aims to use environment-friendly materials. KFC India has also announced plans to open 20 more outlets nationwide by the end of 2022. Such instances are driving the demand for sustainable foodservice packaging in QSRs.
  • In April 2022, Burger King UK became the first quick-service restaurant corporation in the UK to trial a new range of reusable and returnable packaging for its burgers and sides. The pilot launch was created in partnership with the global reuse platform Loop and witnessed the fast-food chain try out the first-ever reusable burger clamshells. Such instances are driving the demand for sustainable methods in food service packaging.

Asia-Pacific Accounts for the Largest Market Share

  • The Asia-Pacific region comprises densely populated countries and emerging economies like China and India. The demand for food services is rapidly growing, and the adoption of sustainable packaging is gaining momentum and is expected to be the highest during the forecasted period.
  • Plastic has been an essential part of the packaging industry that forms the foundation of the consumer convenience culture. Owing to their cost-to-performance ratio, traditional packaging materials, such as corrugated paper boards, glass, metals, etc., have been substituted by plastics in food service and numerous applications in the food industry. However, the qualities that make plastic convenient to use also make it non-degradable and have an everlasting presence in the environment, contributing to 43% of pollution in India alone. In February 2022, CHUK, a compostable food service ware brand, joined quick commerce firm Blinkit as its sustainability partner. Blinkitdelivers CHUK's products to end-consumers within 10 minutes, bridging the gap between end consumers and CHUK. The partnership helped CHUK aim to serve one crore pieces to the end-consumers on the platform in FY 2022-23
  • Japan has a high per capita consumption of packaging materials, and there is a close relationship between the food and packaging industries in the country. Japanese food manufacturers are known for using high-tech packaging techniques and their tendency toward ingenuity in packaging designs. This focus on packaging innovation has led to the development of attractive and efficient packaging solutions in Japan.
  • The packaging industry in India is also experiencing growth in recent years. The introduction of many manufacturing units, eco-friendly materials, and increased emphasis on research and development has resulted in attractive and innovative packaging products. India has also promoted initiatives like "Make In India," aiming to boost local manufacturing and production.
  • With these initiatives and factors in place, the packaging industry in India is expected to benefit from increased investment and technological advancements. The availability of locally manufactured products at a lower cost can make the Indian packaging industry competitive in domestic and international markets. The focus on eco-friendly materials also aligns with global sustainability trends.
  • Further, according to industry insiders, food service packaging manufacturers are gravitating towards flexible packaging as it is visually appealing, cost-effective, and long-lasting. According to IBEF, the Indian food and grocery market is the sixth-largest globally, with retail accounting for 70% of sales. The Indian food processing industry accounted for 32% of the country's overall food market, ranking sixth in production, consumption, export, and expected growth.

Food Service Packaging Industry Overview

The Food Service Packaging Market is fragmented, as many players have a presence in the market through their offerings. With innovations and demand, the market is attractive for new players.

In March 2022, Pactiv Evergreen Inc. completed the acquisition of its 50% investment in Naturepak Beverage Packaging Co. Ltd. to Elopak ASA affiliates through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Evergreen Packaging International LLC. Naturepak Beverage Packaging Co. Ltd, manufacturing facilities in Morocco and Saudi Arabia, serves customers in the Middle East and African regions.

In January 2022, Huhtamaki announced that it acquired full ownership of its Polish joint venture company Huhtamaki Smith Anderson Sp. z o.o. from Smith Anderson Group Ltd SA. The company manufactured and sold food service paper bags in Eastern Europe at Huhtamaki's facility in Czeladz, Poland.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Industry Ecosystem Analysis
  • 4.4 Impact of COVID-19 on the Foodservice Packaging Market
    • 4.4.1 Market Demand Impact Due To The Pandemic
    • 4.4.2 Reusable vs Single-use Demand
    • 4.4.3 Foodservice Regulations and Their Impact on Demand
    • 4.4.4 Impact of Recycling And Convenience On Demand


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Growing Demand For Convenience Food Continues In Major Markets
    • 5.1.2 Increasing Vendor Focus On Recycled Plastic Due To Emphasis On Sustainability
  • 5.2 Market Challenges
    • 5.2.1 Positive And Steady Growth Of Flexible Packaging Due To Environmental Pressure And Uncertainty In Polymer Prices
  • 5.3 Market Opportunities


  • 6.1 By Product Type
    • 6.1.1 Corrugated Boxes And Cartons
    • 6.1.2 Plastic Bottles
    • 6.1.3 Trays, Plates, Food Containers, And Bowls
    • 6.1.4 Cups And Lids
    • 6.1.5 Clamshells
    • 6.1.6 Other Product Types
  • 6.2 By End-user Industries
    • 6.2.1 QSR
    • 6.2.2 Full-service Restaurants
    • 6.2.3 Institutional
    • 6.2.4 Hospitality (Dine-ins, Coffee & Snack, Etc.)
    • 6.2.5 Other End-user Industries
  • 6.3 By Geography
    • 6.3.1 North America
      • United States
      • Canada
    • 6.3.2 Europe
      • United Kingdom
      • Germany
      • France
      • Italy
      • Spain
      • Rest of Europe
    • 6.3.3 Asia-Pacific
      • China
      • Japan
      • India
      • Australia
      • Rest of Asia-Pacific
    • 6.3.4 Latin America
      • Brazil
      • Argentina
      • Mexico
      • Rest of Latin America
    • 6.3.5 Middle East and Africa
      • Saudi Arabia
      • South Africa
      • Egypt
      • Rest of Middle East and Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Pactiv Evergreen Inc.
    • 7.1.2 Dart Container Corporation
    • 7.1.3 Amhil North America
    • 7.1.4 Genpak LLC
    • 7.1.5 Huhtamaki Oyj
    • 7.1.6 Berry Global Inc.
    • 7.1.7 Novolex Holdings LLC
    • 7.1.8 Sabert Corporation
    • 7.1.9 Silgan Plastic Food Container
    • 7.1.10 B&R Plastics Inc.
    • 7.1.11 Graphic Packaging International Inc
    • 7.1.12 Amcor PLC
    • 7.1.13 Sonoco Products Company