
客车受电弓充电器 - 市场占有率分析、产业趋势与统计、成长预测(2024 - 2029)

Bus Pantograph Charger - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 109 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内




公车受电弓充电器市场规模预计到 2024 年为 27.8 亿美元,预计到 2029 年将达到 83.6 亿美元,在预测期内(2024-2029 年)CAGR为 24.65%。

公车受电弓充电器 - 市场

COVID-19 严重影响了 2020 年上半年的公车受电弓充电器市场,因为封锁和限制导致交通和其他相关行业的需求减少。此外,电动公车专案的延误和供应链中断使市场状况恶化。然而,大多数汽车製造商和电动车充电提供者在有限的生产和必要的措施下恢復了受电弓充电器的生产。自2020年下半年以来,电动公车的销售量出现显着成长,且在预测期内可能会持续成长。预计这将在预测期内成为市场关注的焦点。



  • 2021 年 10 月,澳洲领先的客车製造商之一 Custom Denning 选择西门子提供其 Sicharge UC 管理解决方案和充电站。目前正在测试的技术将有助于製造商即将推出的电动公车。它的工作电压高达 1,000 伏特,功率范围为 50 至 600 kW。



  • 2022 年 6 月,加拿大太平洋经济发展署与不列颠哥伦比亚省交通和基础设施部长合作,在联合联邦资助下宣布了一项 3,120 万美元的投资计划,用于改善不列颠哥伦比亚省的公共交通服务。升级包括建造新的交通换乘站以及公车队的电气化。



  • 2021 年 3 月,德里政府批准了一项购买 300 辆新型低地板电动 (AC) 公车的提案,以增加该市的公车队。这些巴士已被德里交通公司接受。第一批 118 辆公车计划于 2021 年 10 月抵达,另外 100 辆公车将于 11 月抵达。整个交付预计于 2022 年 1 月完成。




美国EPA和NHTSA提议从2021年至2026年实施更安全、负担得起的燃油效率(SAFE)车辆规则。该规则可能会为乘用车和商用车制定企业平均燃油经济性和温室气体排放标准。根据零排放汽车 (ZEV) 计划,原始设备製造商必须销售一定数量的清洁和零排放汽车(电动、混合动力和燃料电池驱动的商用车和乘用车)。该国的ZEV计画旨在2030年让1,200万辆ZEV(包括公车)上路。

印度政府计划在2030 年实现汽车总销量30% 的电动化。作为该战略的一部分,印度政府宣布到2022 年对FAME(更快采用和製造混合动力和电动汽车)计划第二阶段投资14 亿美元。该阶段的重点是透过补贴 7090 辆电动公车,实现印度公共和共享交通的电气化。这促使车队营运商改用电动公车。


  • 2022年11月,潜在的伦敦巴士业者Metroline宣布购买39辆电动双层巴士用于城际交通。北爱尔兰巴士製造商 Wrightbius 采购了这些巴士。这39辆公车预计将在297和142路线途经伦敦布伦特、伊灵、哈罗和巴尼特区,以及伦敦北部赫特福德郡的沃特福德。这些公车透过 CCS 的充电能力高达 300 kW,透过受电弓充电能力高达 420 kW。
  • 2022 年 3 月,一款尖端的电动巴士概念在义大利卡利亚里亮相,巴士製造商 Rampini 在那里交付了订购的七辆汽车中的第一辆。此次交付的车辆包括六辆带受电弓的 6 公尺电动公车。欧洲客车的这项新技术已经得到认可,并在中期引起了极大的兴趣。



  • 2021 年 6 月,纽约电力局 (NYPA) 宣布完成一项价值 3,000 万美元的协议,将在该市各个车站安装 67 个受电弓充电器,为该市的电动公车队充电。
  • 2021 年3 月,马里兰州蒙哥马利县公立学校系统批准了与Highland Electric Transportation 的一份合同,将其校车车队改装为全电动车队,首先到2025 年改装326 辆校车。根据该合同,Highland Electric Transportation 及其公司Thomasbuilt Buses、Proterra 和 American Bus 等合作伙伴将为蒙哥马利县公立学区的所有五个公车站提供电力,并提供电动公车和充电基础设施。


  • 2021 年3 月,基础设施和社区部以及创新、科学和工业部宣布从2021 年开始的五年内拨款27.5 亿加元(约合20.2 亿美元),用于改善公共交通系统并将其过渡到更清洁的电力系统电力,包括购买零排放公共交通和校车的资金。


  • 2022 年 3 月,ABB 宣布为圣路易斯的新型电动巴士车队提供服务,该车队拥有美国最大的充电桩部署量。 ABB 的顺序充电系统由 20 个功率为 150 kW 的插入式充电站充电器和三个附加受电弓充电器组成。



一些领先的电动公车充电基础设施市场参与者包括 ABB Ltd.、Wabtec Corporation、Schunk Transit Systems GmBH、BYD 等。公车受电弓充电器市场适度整合,并拥有多家全球和区域参与者。产品创新、合资、收购规模较小的企业以及产品发布是主要企业部署的关键策略。此外,世界各国政府采取的措施也支持了市场的成长。例如,

  • 2022 年6 月,加拿大基础设施银行与达勒姆地区市政府签署了一份谅解备忘录,其中的结论是CIB 将投资至多5,310 万美元支持达勒姆地区交通局(DRT) 的采购订单,其中包括100 辆电池电动公车将于 2027 年底交付给达勒姆。公车车辆电气化计画是实现该地区未来 25 年气候变迁承诺的关键一步。
  • 2021 年 12 月,柏林交通局 (BVG) 监事会批准再购买 90 辆电动公车。这些车辆是 12 公尺长的电池单翼飞机,将在车库充电,这将增加未来几年在全国范围内使用受电弓充电系统的需求。


  • 2022 年 12 月,Solaris Bus & Coach Sp。 z oo 已同意向拉脱维亚营运商 Rgas Satiksme 提供 35 辆 Solaris Urbino 12 电动巴士。这些公车预计将配备容量为 140 kWh 的 Solaris 高能量电池,将透过插入式连接器和倒置受电弓充电。这些公车还将包括一个 eSConnect 系统,用于管理零排放公车车队。该软体由 Solaris 专家创建,可即时存取车辆资料并识别发生的任何故障。


  • Excel 格式的市场估算 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月的分析师支持


第 1 章:简介

  • 研究假设
  • 研究范围

第 2 章:研究方法

第 3 章:执行摘要

第 4 章:市场动态

  • 市场驱动因素
  • 市场限制
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 买家/消费者的议价能力
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 替代产品的威胁
    • 竞争激烈程度

第 5 章:市场区隔(市场规模价值 - 百万美元)

  • 按充电类型
    • 1级
    • 2级
    • 直流快充
  • 依组件类型
    • 硬体
    • 软体
  • 按充电基础设施类型
    • 车外自上而下受电弓
    • 车载自下而上受电弓
  • 地理
    • 北美洲
      • 美国
      • 加拿大
      • 北美其他地区
    • 欧洲
      • 德国
      • 英国
      • 法国
      • 义大利
      • 西班牙
      • 欧洲其他地区
    • 亚太
      • 印度
      • 中国
      • 韩国
      • 日本
      • 亚太其他地区
    • 南美洲
      • 巴西
      • 艾根蒂纳
      • 南美洲其他地区
    • 中东和非洲
      • 沙乌地阿拉伯
      • 南非
      • 中东和非洲其他地区

第 6 章:竞争格局

  • 供应商市占率
  • 公司简介
    • ABB Ltd
    • Schunk Transit Systems GmBH
    • Wabtech Corporation
    • Siemens Mobility
    • Vector Informatik GmbH
    • SETEC Power
    • SCHUNK GmbH & Co. KG
    • Valmont Industries, Inc.
    • Comeca Group

第 7 章:市场机会与未来趋势

Product Code: 91296

The Bus Pantograph Charger Market size is estimated at USD 2.78 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 8.36 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 24.65% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Bus Pantograph Charger - Market

COVID-19 has severely affected the bus pantograph charger market for the first half of the year 2020, as lockdowns and restrictions resulted in reduced demand from transportation and other associated sectors. Furthermore, delays in electric bus projects and supply chain disruptions worsened the situation in the market. However, the majority of the automakers and EV charging providers resumed pantograph charger production with limited production and necessary measures. The sales of electric buses witnessed significant growth since the latter half of the year 2020 and are likely to continue during the forecast period. This is anticipated to drive the market in focus during the forecast period.

Over the medium term, the demand for pantograph chargers is expected to be picked up by the growing adoption of electric buses, not only for transit but also for school children's transportation across major countries in the world. Furthermore, growing government investments and their focus on improving charging infrastructure are expected to drive demand in the market during the forecast period. Moreover, a new development in the charging station market by the companies is also expected to support the growth. For instance,

Key Highlights

  • In October 2021, Custom Denning, one of Australia's leading bus manufacturers, chose Siemens to provide its Sicharge UC management solution and charging stations. The technology, which is currently being tested, will aid the manufacturer's upcoming electric buses. It can operate at up to 1,000 volts and has a power range of 50 to 600 kW.

In addition, investments from the key players and growing strategic collaborations between charging solution providers and bus manufacturers are anticipated to offer new opportunities for players operating in the market. There is a surge in the utilization of electric bus charging systems owing to the decreasing cost of batteries. The growing efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, along with the rise in favorable government regulations, are likely to enhance the growth of the market over the forecast period. For instance,

Key Highlights

  • In June 2022, the Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada, in collaboration with British Columbia's Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, announced a USD 31,2 million investment plan under their joint federal funding for improving public transportation services in British Columbia. The upgrade includes the construction of new transit interchanges as well as the electrification of the bus fleet.

North American region is expected to grow at a significant rate during the forecast period owing to the rising adoption of electric buses across major countries in the region. Furthermore, China and India are expected to contribute to growth in the Asia-Pacific region owing to strong encouragement from the governments, transit agencies, as well as other green vehicle-supporting communities and organizations.

Key Highlights

  • In March 2021, the Delhi government approved a proposal to purchase 300 new low-floor electric (AC) buses to increase the city's bus fleet. These buses have been accepted by the Delhi Transport Corporation. The first batch of 118 buses was scheduled to arrive in October 2021, with another 100 following in November. The entire delivery was supposed to be finished by January 2022.

Pantograph Bus Charger Market Trends

Rising Emphasis of Government on Eco-Friendly Buses

Diesel buses are widely used today all over the world. Furthermore, these buses are mostly used in densely populated cities, where air quality has already been degraded by other pollutants. As a result, governments across the world are focusing on developing a variety of regulations and supportive policies aimed at encouraging environmentally friendly transportation.

The EPA and NHTSA in the United States proposed implementing the Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) vehicles rule from 2021 to 2026. The rule may establish corporate average fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions standards for passenger and commercial vehicles. OEMs are required to sell a certain number of clean and zero-emission vehicles (electric, hybrid, and fuel cell-powered commercial and passenger vehicles) under the Zero-emission Vehicles (ZEV) Program. The country's ZEV plan aims to put 12 million ZEVs (including buses) on the road by 2030.

The Indian government intends to electrify 30% of total vehicle sales by 2030. As part of this strategy, the government announced a USD 1.4 billion investment in phase two of the FAME (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles) program through 2022. This phase focuses on electrifying public and shared transportation in India by subsidizing 7090 electric buses. This has prompted fleet operators to switch to electric buses.

Moreover, by improving air quality, public transportation contributes to the sustainability of a city in dense urban areas, reducing the need for multiple separate trips by private vehicle. Because of these advantages, governments around the world are actively promoting sustainable and efficient public bus transportation services, which are expected to create positive momentum in the market. For instance,

  • In November 2022, Metroline, a potential London bus operator, announced the purchase of 39 electric double-decker buses for intercity transit. Wrightbius, a Northern Irish bus manufacturer, procured these buses. These 39 buses are expected to travel through the London boroughs of Brent, Ealing, Harrow, and Barnet, as well as Watford in Hertfordshire, north of London, on the 297 and 142 routes. The buses have charging capabilities of up to 300 kW via CCS or 420 kW via pantographs.
  • In March 2022, a cutting-edge electric bus concept was unveiled in Cagliari, Italy, where bus manufacturer Rampini delivered the first of seven vehicles ordered. The delivery consists of six 6-meter battery-electric buses with pantographs. This new technology in European buses has been identified, and it has generated a lot of interest in the medium term.

North America Likely to Have Fastest Growth in the Market

North America is expected to play a key role in the growth of the market over the forecast period. Furthermore, the United States is likely to be one of the major contributors to growth in the region, owing to several government initiatives and the growing popularity of electric school buses across the country. The demand for electric buses across the North American region is anticipated to be supported by the growing adoption of governments, municipalities, etc. For instance,

  • In June 2021, the New York Power Authority (NYPA) announced the completion of a USD 30 million agreement to install 67 pantograph chargers across various stations in the city to charge the city's electric bus fleet.
  • In March 2021, the Montgomery County Public School system in Maryland approved a contract with Highland Electric Transportation to convert its school bus fleet to a fully electric fleet, beginning with converting 326 school buses through 2025. Based on the contract, Highland Electric Transportation and its partners, Thomas Built Buses, Proterra, and American Bus, will electrify all five bus depots belonging to the Montgomery County Public School district and supply electric buses and charging infrastructure.

Moreover, with the increasing transition to electric mobility, the Canadian government is also working to build a net-zero emissions transportation industry across the country. For instance,

  • In March 2021, the Infrastructure and Communities Ministry and the Ministry of Innovation, Science, and Industry announced CAD 2.75 billion (~USD 2.02 billion) in funding over five years, beginning in 2021, to improve public transportation systems and transition them to cleaner electrical power, including funding for the purchase of zero-emission public transportation and school buses.

Such active growth in the North American region is encouraging several key players and the players in electric bus infrastructure projects to adopt pantographs, thus driving demand for bus pantograph chargers over the forecast period. For instance,

  • In March 2022, ABB announced that it is offering its services to St. Louis's new electric bus fleet with the largest deployment of chargers in the United States. ABB's sequential charging system consists of 20 plug-in depot chargers with 150 kW of power and three additional pantograph chargers.

Therefore, based on the above-mentioned developments and instances, it is estimated that the North American region is likely to have the fastest growth compared to its counterparts over the forecast period.

Pantograph Bus Charger Industry Overview

Some of the leading electric bus charging infrastructure market players are ABB Ltd., Wabtec Corporation, Schunk Transit Systems GmBH, BYD, and others. The bus pantograph charger market is moderately consolidated and accounts for several global and regional players. Product innovation, joint ventures, acquisitions of smaller players, and product launches are the key strategies deployed by the major players. Moreover, initiatives taken by various governments across the world are also supporting the growth of the market. For instance,

  • In June 2022, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Canada Infrastructure Bank and the Regional Municipality of Durham, which concluded that CIB would invest up to USD 53.1 million to support Durham Region Transit's (DRT) purchase order, which included 100 battery-electric buses to be delivered to Durham by the end of 2027. The initiative to electrify transit vehicles is a critical step toward meeting the region's climate change commitments over the next 25 years.
  • In December 2021, the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) supervisory board approved the purchase of 90 more electric buses. The vehicles are 12-meter-long battery monoplanes that will be charged in the depot, increasing demand for pantograph charging systems to be used across the country in the coming years.

The above-mentioned development in electric buses may further boost the requirement for charging stations for electric buses. Apart from these strategies, bus pantograph chargers are entering into supply agreements with key bus manufacturers and charging station providers to strengthen their position in the market. For instance,

  • In December 2022, Solaris Bus & Coach Sp. z o.o. has agreed to supply 35 Solaris Urbino 12 electric buses to Latvian operator Rgas Satiksme. These buses are expected to have Solaris High Energy batteries with a capacity of 140 kWh that will be charged via a plug-in connector as well as an inverted pantograph. The buses will also include an eSConnect system for managing zero-emission bus fleets. This software, created by Solaris experts, provides real-time access to vehicle data as well as the identification of any faults as they occur.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Drivers
  • 4.2 Market Restraints
  • 4.3 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.3.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.3.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.3.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry

5 MARKET SEGMENTATION (Market Size in Value - USD Million)

  • 5.1 By Charging Type
    • 5.1.1 Level 1
    • 5.1.2 Level 2
    • 5.1.3 Direct Current Fast Charging
  • 5.2 By Pcomponent Type
    • 5.2.1 Hardware
    • 5.2.2 Software
  • 5.3 By Charging Infrastructure Type
    • 5.3.1 Off-board top-down pantograph
    • 5.3.2 On-Board Bottom-Up Pantograph
  • 5.4 Geography
    • 5.4.1 North America
      • United States
      • Canada
      • Rest of North America
    • 5.4.2 Europe
      • Germany
      • United Kingdom
      • France
      • Italy
      • Spain
      • Rest of Europe
    • 5.4.3 Asia-Pacific
      • India
      • China
      • South Korea
      • Japan
      • Rest of Asia-Pacific
    • 5.4.4 South America
      • Brazil
      • Aegentina
      • Rest of the South America
    • 5.4.5 Middle East and Africa
      • Saudi Arabia
      • South Africa
      • Rest of the Middle East and Africa


  • 6.1 Vendor Market Share
  • 6.2 Company Profiles*
    • 6.2.1 ABB Ltd
    • 6.2.2 Schunk Transit Systems GmBH
    • 6.2.3 Wabtech Corporation
    • 6.2.4 Siemens Mobility
    • 6.2.5 Vector Informatik GmbH
    • 6.2.6 SETEC Power
    • 6.2.7 SCHUNK GmbH & Co. KG
    • 6.2.8 Valmont Industries, Inc.
    • 6.2.9 Comeca Group