

Europe Wireless Sensors - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2025 - 2030)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内




欧洲无线感测器市场预计在预测期内复合年增长率为 23.1%



  • 无线感测器市场的成长是由各个最终用户产业的应用所推动的。製造商正在投资研发工作,以提高无线感测器的准确性和可靠性。无线感测器用于建筑自动化、军事和国防、食品和饮料以及物料输送等行业中的资料监控和其他类似功能。
  • 影响无线感测器市场的主要驱动因素是英国对新的可再生能源开发、能源来源和其他快速技术进步的需求不断增长。它也是智慧电网中用于远端监控变压器和电力线以及监控电力线温度和天气的重要元件。
  • 大多数汽车製造商所在的欧洲预计将在该市场上保持较大份额。公司正在亚太地区建立製造地,因为原材料丰富且安装和人事费用较低。供应商预计将接受这一演变,并根据其战略愿景进行研发投资,以建立技术迁移的先发优势。
  • 许多零售店和杂货店在地板上使用无线感测器来帮助员工为顾客提供积极的体验。无线推播感应器有助于告诉商店工作人员何时需要清洁。无线气温设备也透过同时监控冷藏和非冷藏物品来帮助超市。
  • 此外,能源和电力产业对工业应用无线感测器产生了基本需求。随着节能对于降低电力消耗及其相关成本变得越来越重要,柴油卡车排放测试设备、风工程、风力发电係统、新建筑设计的动态、海洋研究、高空都需要具有合适无线技术的精确无线感测器来帮助包括气象研究气球、水污染装置、烟囱汞采样、大气调查等。



  • 在过去的几十年里,汽车经历了许多变化。过去,汽车依靠为前灯和火星塞供电的基本电气系统运作。随着技术的进步,汽车现在配备了最新的小工具,如收音机、警报器和雨刷。汽车安全方面也取得了各种技术进步,例如安全气囊的部署。随着越来越多的功能依赖这些感测器,工程师们正在努力开发更准确的感测器,以适应汽车应用。
  • 目前,汽车领域的两大趋势是电气化和自动化。从长远来看,电动车在行业中的出现对无线感测器的需求产生了巨大影响。电动车的增加意味着对感测器的需求增加,这意味着用于监控废弃电池、定位和检测汽车各种运动部件的感测器的激增。
  • 此外,随着电动车变得越来越流行,高通等技术先驱开发了高效的汽车无线充电技术。这种无线充电技术为使用者提供了在无线充电站、停车场或家中高效充电的便利。该公司还透过一个主垫片实现了超过 90% 的传输效率。该公司相信,未来将能进一步完善这项技术,实现更有效率、更易于理解的实施。
  • 支援 ADAS、资讯娱乐和自动驾驶系统的汽车应用中的感测器使用案例数量不断增加,凸显了对介面规范的需求。预计它将对未来的需求变得至关重要。
  • 随着 ADAS 应用的发展并变得更加复杂,越来越需要有效的方法来向驾驶员提供安全警告和其他相关资讯。抬头显示器(HUD) 是少数将 ADAS资料整合到中央萤幕的新兴解决方案之一,使驾驶者能够在查看挡风玻璃上显示的警报和警告的同时将注意力集中在道路上。


  • 新能源来源的不断探索、可再生能源的开发、政府法规以及无线感测器市场的快速技术进步正在推动该国在全国范围内的良好成长。该国为智慧电网中变压器和电力线的远端监控提供了重要组件,用于监测电力线上的温度和天气。
  • 最近,工业IoT(IIoT)公司Sensemetrics宣布在该国推出其IIoT平台。在英国,我们与拥有创新结构感测技术的公司 3S'TECH 合作进行了 Sensemetrics 平台的首次商业部署。 3S'TECH 将无线 LoRa 倾斜计感测器连接到其 Sense Metrics 平台,以监控西班牙巴塞隆纳附近的 Viladecans 医院。
  • 此外,欧盟研究计划WSAN4CIP 展示了一种经济高效的保护电力和供水网路的解决方案。欧洲研究计划WSAN4CIP 已成功展示了一种基于无线感测器的解决方案,用于经济高效地监控电力和供水网路。 WSAN4CIP 解决方案基于无线感测器的安全通讯网路。自 2010 年 2 月以来,它已在两个使用案例:能源部门和水务部门。
  • 在西欧和北欧地区强劲成长的推动下,国内物联网 (IoT) 解决方案市场正在显着成长。消费者和商业物联网解决方案在该领域提供了充满希望的机会,并有望为欧洲无线感测器市场提供竞争优势。
  • 2021 年 5 月,研华推出了一款经过认证的行动通讯模组,用于物联网 (IoT) 的传感器到云端连接,采用紧凑的行业标准外形,无需编程。物联网无线感测器应用包括低温运输/冰箱监控、智慧废弃物管理、资产追踪、智慧农业、智慧路灯等。



  • 2021 年 1 月 - Everactive 是一家建立物联网 (IoT) 解决方案的科技公司,筹集了 3,500 万美元资金,用于开发无电池无线感测器。这笔资金将用于加速该公司工业无电池无线感测器的销售、行销和市场开发。此外,Everactive 的端到端监控解决方案针对目前未监控或监控不善的大量工业资产。
  • 2020 年 11 月 - 维尔茨堡大学开发了一种感测器薄膜,可监测飞机和太空船在飞行过程中如何承受机械应力。这部影片使用了检测法,这在航太领域尚不常见。该薄膜具有柔性,可作为无线感测网路的电路载体,并可应用于飞机和太空船上难以到达的区域。


  • Excel 格式的市场预测 (ME) 表
  • 3 个月的分析师支持



  • 研究假设和市场定义
  • 调查范围




  • 市场概况
  • 产业价值链分析
  • 产业吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供应商的议价能力
    • 消费者议价能力
    • 新进入者的威胁
    • 替代品的威胁
    • 竞争公司之间的敌对关係
  • 技术简介
  • COVID-19 市场影响评估


  • 市场驱动因素
    • 无线技术的采用增加(特别是在恶劣的环境中)
    • 智慧工厂概念的出现(工业自动化)
  • 市场挑战
    • 与感测器产品相关的高安全需求和成本
    • 网路安全问题和物联网领域的最新趋势

第六章 市场细分

  • 按类型
    • 压力感测器
    • 温度感测器
    • 化学/气体感测器
    • 位置/接近感测器
    • 其他类型
  • 按最终用户产业
    • 卫生保健
    • 航太/国防
    • 能源/电力
    • 饮食
    • 其他最终用户产业
  • 按国家/地区
    • 英国
    • 德国
    • 义大利
    • 法国
    • 其他欧洲国家

第七章 竞争格局

  • 公司简介
    • Honeywell International Inc.
    • Emerson Electric Co.
    • Schneider Electric
    • Siemens AG
    • ABB Ltd.
    • Pasco Scientific
    • Monnit Corporation
    • Phoenix Sensors LLC
    • Texas Instruments Incorporated


第九章 市场未来展望

Product Code: 47183

The Europe Wireless Sensors Market is expected to register a CAGR of 23.1% during the forecast period.

Europe Wireless Sensors - Market - IMG1

Key Highlights

  • The growth of the wireless sensors market is driven by the application in the various end-user industries. Manufacturers invest in R&D activities to improve the accuracy and reliability of wireless sensors. Wireless sensors are used for data monitoring and other similar functions and in building automation, military and defense, and other industries, like food and beverage and material handling.
  • The key drivers influencing the wireless sensors market are the increasing need for new renewable energy development, energy sources, and other rapid technological advancements in the United Kingdom. They are also a vital component in smart grids for remote monitoring of transformers and power lines where they are put into service to monitor line temperature and weather conditions.
  • Europe, which houses most automotive manufacturers, is expected to retain a substantial share in the market. The abundant availability of raw materials and the low establishment and labor costs have helped companies establish their manufacturing operations in the Asia-Pacific. It is expected that the vendors, to create an advantage of the first mover in technology transitioning, may adopt this evolution and invest in R&D according to their strategic vision.
  • Many retailers and grocery stores are using wireless sensors on the floor to help employees create positive experiences for customers. Wireless push sensors can help the shoppers to indicate when cleaning is needed. Wireless air temperature devices are also assisting the superstores in monitoring refrigerators and non-cold merchandise simultaneously.
  • Further, the energy and power sector has created an essential demand for wireless sensors in industrial applications. As energy conservation is increasingly important to reduce power consumption and its associated costs, accurate wireless sensors are required with appropriate wireless technologies helpful for testing devices for diesel truck emissions, wind engineering, wind energy systems, concerning new building design aerodynamics, ocean research, high-altitude weather research balloons, water pollution devices, smokestack mercury sampling, and atmospheric studies.

Europe Wireless Sensors Market Trends

Automotive is Expected to Hold Significant Market Share

  • Automotive vehicles have undergone various changes over the last few decades. Previously, cars used to work with basic electrical systems that offered power for headlights and spark plugs. As technology progressed, cars were fitted with the latest gadgets, such as radios, alarms, and wipers. Various technological advancements have also been made for vehicles' safety, such as airbag deployment. The increase in these sensor-dependent features has driven engineers to develop more accurate sensors with automotive applications in mind.
  • Currently, the two significant trends for the automotive sector are electrification and automation. The emergence of electric vehicles in the industry has dramatically impacted the demand for wireless sensors in the long term. More electric cars mean an increase in demand for sensors, a surge in sensors for used battery monitoring, and various positioning and detection of moving parts of automobiles.
  • Moreover, with the increasing use of electric vehicles, technology pioneers like Qualcomm have developed efficient wireless charging technology for cars. This wireless charging technology offers convenience for users to charge their vehicles at wireless charging stations, parking lots, or at home efficiently. The company has also achieved transfer efficiency of more than 90% with a single primary base pad. The company believes that the technology can be further improved for better efficiency and more straightforward implementation in the future.
  • As the use cases of sensors continue to increase in automobile applications to support ADAS, infotainment, and autonomous driving systems, the need for interface specifications is apparent. It is expected to be critical for future demand.
  • As ADAS applications evolve and become more complex, there has been an increased need for effective methods to present safety alerts and other relevant information to the driver. Head-up displays (HUDs) are among the few emerging solutions for consolidating ADAS data into a centralized screen that allows the driver to keep the eyes on the road while viewing alerts and warnings that appear on the windshield time.

United Kingdom Accounts for the Largest Market Share

  • Due to the increasing quest for new energy sources, renewable energy developments, government regulations, and rapid technological advancements in the wireless sensors market is growing lucratively across the country. The country provides a vital component in smart grids for remote monitoring of transformers and power lines, where they are put into service to monitor line temperature and weather conditions.
  • In recent years, Sensemetrics Inc., an industrial IoT (IIoT) company, announced that it is launching its IIoT platform in the country. The initial commercial deployment of the sense metrics platform in the U.K. with 3S'TECH, an innovative structural sensing technology company. 3S'TECH connected wireless LoRa tiltmeter sensors, monitoring the Viladecans Hospital near Barcelona, Spain, to the sense metrics platform.
  • Furthermore, EU research project WSAN4CIP demonstrated a cost-effective solution for protecting electricity and water networks. The European research project, WSAN4CIP, successfully demonstrated a wireless sensor-based solution for the cost-effective monitoring of electricity distribution networks and water networks. The WSAN4CIP solution was based on a secure communication network of wireless sensors. Since February 2010, it has been successfully implemented and tested in two use cases, one in the energy sector and one in the water utility sector.
  • The country's market for Internet of Things (IoT) solutions is significantly growing, driven by solid growth in western and northern European regions. Both consumer and business IoT solutions offer promising opportunities in the area, which is expected to give the European wireless sensors market competitive advantage.
  • In May 2021, Advantech has launched a certified wireless module for sensor-to-cloud connectivity for the Internet of Things (IoT) in a compact industry-standard form factor with no programming required. The IoT wireless sensor applications include cold chain/refrigerator monitoring, smart waste management, asset tracking, smart agriculture, and smart street lighting.

Europe Wireless Sensors Industry Overview

The European wireless sensor is highly competitive owing to multiple vendors providing wireless sensors to the domestic and international markets. The market appears to be moderately fragmented, and the major players with a prominent share in the market are focusing on expanding their customer base across international countries. Additionally, these companies are continuously innovating their products to increase their market share and increase their profitability. Some of the recent developments in the market are:

  • January 2021 - Everactive, a technology company that builds the Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, raised USD 35 million in funding to develop its battery-free wireless sensors. The funds will be used to accelerate sales, marketing, and product development of the company's battery-free wireless sensors for industrial applications. Moreover, Everactive's end-to-end monitoring solutions are aimed at high-volume industrial assets that are currently unmonitored or under-monitored due to sheer volume.
  • November 2020 - Universitat Wurzburg developed a sensor film to monitor how an aircraft and spacecraft withstand the mechanical stresses of flight. The film uses tomographic measuring methods that are not yet common in aerospace. The film functions as a circuit carrier for a wireless sensor network and can also be attached to hard-to-reach places on aircraft and spacecraft, making it flexible.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.3 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.3.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.2 Bargaining Power of Consumers
    • 4.3.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.3.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.4 Technology Snapshot
  • 4.5 Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on the market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increasing Adoption of Wireless Technologies (Especially in Harsh Environments)
    • 5.1.2 Emergence of Smart Factory Concepts (Industrial Automation)
  • 5.2 Market Challenges
    • 5.2.1 Higher Security Needs and Cost associated with the Sensor Products
    • 5.2.2 Concerns pertaining to cybersecurity in the IoT space and recent developments


  • 6.1 By Type
    • 6.1.1 Pressure Sensor
    • 6.1.2 Temperature Sensor
    • 6.1.3 Chemical and Gas Sensor
    • 6.1.4 Position and Proximity Sensor
    • 6.1.5 Other Types
  • 6.2 By End-user Industry
    • 6.2.1 Automotive
    • 6.2.2 Healthcare
    • 6.2.3 Aerospace and Defense
    • 6.2.4 Energy and Power
    • 6.2.5 Food and Beverage
    • 6.2.6 Other End-user Industries
  • 6.3 By Country
    • 6.3.1 United Kingdom
    • 6.3.2 Germany
    • 6.3.3 Italy
    • 6.3.4 France
    • 6.3.5 Rest of the Europe


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Honeywell International Inc.
    • 7.1.2 Emerson Electric Co.
    • 7.1.3 Schneider Electric
    • 7.1.4 Siemens AG
    • 7.1.5 ABB Ltd.
    • 7.1.6 Pasco Scientific
    • 7.1.7 Monnit Corporation
    • 7.1.8 Phoenix Sensors LLC
    • 7.1.9 Texas Instruments Incorporated