全球燕麦奶市场:到 2028 年的预测——按形式、按产品、按配方、按要求、其他Oat Milk Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Form, Product, Formulation, Claim, and others |
根据Stratistics MRC,预计2022年全球燕麦奶市场规模将达到41.34亿美元,2028年将达到75.29亿美元,预计复合年增长率为10.51%。
作为一种不含乳製品、对素食主义者更友好的牛奶替代品,燕麦奶是一种更健康的选择。 对乳製品敏感或类似过敏症的顾客更喜欢燕麦奶。 当用经过认证的无麸质燕麦製成时,它们通常不含麸质、坚果、大豆和乳糖。
根据纯素食协会提供的数据,2014 年至 2019 年间,英国选择纯素饮食的人数翻了两番。 2019 年该国有 60 万素食主义者,占人口的 1.16%,而 2014 年为 15 万(占人口的 0.25%)。
随着越来越多的人选择纯素饮食,燕麦奶的需求量很大。 由于纯素饮食有益健康的知识广为流传,因此购买纯素产品的人数显着增加。 此外,据报导,外出就餐在英国通过 Deliveroo 订购的素食餐点数量增加了 115%。 在预测期内,对燕麦奶的需求预计将随着素食消费者群体的增加而继续增长。
对于那些不能喝牛奶的人来说,燕麦奶是一个很好的选择。 由于阳光照射不足和不健康的饮食,现在有很大一部分人患有维生素 B 和 D(主要是 B12 和 D3)缺乏症,这主要与压力、情绪调节和骨骼健康有关。。 燕麦片是维生素 B 和 D 的极好来源,这就是它变得如此受欢迎的原因。 因此,燕麦片市场在预测期内将受到限制。
燕麦奶的需求正在增加,因为燕麦比杏仁、大豆和椰子等竞争对手更容易生物降解。 此外,燕麦奶的清淡风味和健康益处(例如其高益生元纤维含量)也是吸引消费者的因素。 消费者将健康放在首位,因此他们花钱购买既能改善健康又能保护环境的产品,从而为行业的发展做出贡献。
燕麦奶比动物奶贵,因为原料更高。 由于各种原因,燕麦牛奶的成本正在上涨。 其中之一是製造所需的额外步骤,这增加了成本。 燕麦奶价格上涨的原因有很多,包括原材料成本高、製造过程耗时以及所需的初始投资。 因此,市场进入者受到限制,燕麦奶的价格已经达到溢价水平。 随着燕麦奶变得不那么熟悉,消费者对燕麦奶的偏好将会下降。 因此,燕麦奶的市场发展可能会受到阻碍。
过去,COVID-19 的出现对全球燕麦奶的销售产生了积极影响。 一种影响多个器官的疾病。 当那些从疾病中恢復过来的人推荐燕麦奶作为乳製品中牛奶的偶尔替代品时,对该产品的需求猛增。 在前 8-10 个月,许多国家感染 COVID-19 病毒的人数激增,也导致全球燕麦奶市场扩大。 由于消费者偏好正在显着转向更健康的食品以增强对此类疾病的免疫力,预计市场在预测期内将以类似的速度发展。
由于满足消费者舒适和健康需求的风味产品越来越受欢迎,预计风味部分将实现利润丰厚的增长。 消费者对既能满足味蕾又健康的产品越来越感兴趣。 随着生产商开发多样化和民族风味,对风味燕麦奶的需求正在增加。
由于对具有高标准和长保质期的包装选项的需求不断增加,预计纸盒部分在预测期内将实现最快的复合年增长率。 主要由纸板製成的利乐纸盒包装越来越受欢迎,推动了这一增长。 因此,该分部的收入大幅增加。 推动纸盒包装增长的是对可持续包装选择的需求。 纸质纸盒由可回收和可再生材料製成,是最环保的包装选择之一。
由于可支配收入的增加、越来越多的消费者为更健康的产品支付更高的价格以及对植物性牛奶的健康益处的了解不断增加,亚太地区在预测期内将继续增长。预计将占期间市场份额最大 由于冠状动脉疾病患病率的增加和体重管理计划的增加,植物奶市场预计将在该地区蓬勃发展。
由于客户对燕麦奶的蛋白质含□□量和营养价值的高度认识,预计北美在预测期内的复合年增长率最高。 由于电子商务网站作为销售工具越来越受欢迎,该地区的乳製品替代品市场有所增长。 由于乳糖不耐症和牛奶过敏病例的增加,预计北美的燕麦奶消费量将增加。 为了吸引越来越多的选择植物性产品的消费者,当地食品和饮料製造商正在他们的产品中添加乳製品替代品,这正在推动该行业的进一步发展。
燕麦牛奶市场上列出的主要参与者是: 可口可乐公司、Happy Plant Foods、Pacific Foods、Bevry、Quaker Oats、Califia Farms、Danone、Oatly、Rice Brewing、HP Hood LLC、Elmhurst、Earth's Own Food Company Inc、The Hain Celestial Group Inc、繁荣市场公司
2021 年 5 月,Bevry 推出了印度首款三种口味的燕麦奶,包括原味、Choc-O-Haze 和香草肉桂。 2021 年,可口可乐通过在公司的 Simply 品牌下推出新的燕麦奶产品 Simply Oat,扩大了其植物性饮料产品组合。
2020 年 11 月,Califia Farms 专门针对英国市场推出了一款全新的长效燕麦饮品。 该公司旨在激励消费者放弃牛奶并减少他们的环境足迹。
2020 年 5 月,Pacific Foods 推出了“真正的低糖燕麦原植物基饮料”。 这种最新变体与 Pacific 的有机原味和香草燕麦口味具有相同的稠度,但含糖量减少了 80%。
2020 年 1 月,达能北美公司推出了一种新的 DHA omega-3 饮料,扩大了 Silk 在美国的植物基饮料产品组合。 Silk DHA Omega-3 不含糖和香草味,结合了豌豆蛋白、燕麦奶和杏仁奶。
2019 年 2 月,百事公司的桂格燕麦推出了燕麦饮料。 此外,达能的 Silk 品牌还推出了燕麦饮品 Oat Yeah。
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Oat Milk Market is accounted for $4,134 million in 2022 and is expected to reach $7,529 million by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 10.51% during the forecast period. As a dairy-free and more vegan-friendly alternative to milk, oat milk is a healthier choice. Customers who are sensitive to dairy products or have similar allergies have a preference for oat milk. If manufactured with oats that have been verified to be gluten-free, it is normally free of gluten, nuts, soy, and lactose.
According to the data provided by the vegan society, the number of individuals opting for a vegan diet in the UK quadrupled between 2014 and 2019. There were 600,000 vegans in the country in the year 2019 which accounts for up to 1.16% of the population as compared to 150,000 (0.25% of the population) in 2014.
The rising number of people choosing a vegan diet is boosting the demand for oat milk. The number of people buying vegan products has significantly increased as a result of growing knowledge of the health advantages of a vegan diet. Additionally, the amount of vegan food orders placed through Deliveroo in the UK increased by 115%, according to a report by the dine-out magazine. During the projected period, the demand for oat milk is anticipated to be driven by the constantly expanding vegan diet consumer base.
If people can't drink milk, oat milk is an excellent alternative. Due to inadequate sun exposure and unhealthy dietary practises, a significant portion of the population is currently suffering from shortages of the B and D vitamins (primarily B12 and D3), which also are primarily linked to regulating stress and mood as well as bone health. Oat milk is becoming more popular since it is an excellent source of vitamins B and D. As a result, during the forecasting period, the oat milk market is constrained.
Since oats are more biodegradable than their competitors, including such almonds, soy, and coconut, the demand for oat milk is rising. Additionally, oat milk's bland flavour and health benefits, like the high prebiotic fibre content of the product, are elements luring consumers to consume the product. Because they value their health more than anything else, consumers are spending more money on goods that not only improve their health but also protect the environment, which helps the industry expand.
Oat milk costs more than milk derived from animals because of the high cost of raw materials. Oat milk costs have increased for a number of reasons, one of which is that additional steps are required to produce it, raising the cost. Oat milk prices have increased for a number of reasons, including the high cost of raw materials and the labor-intensive manufacturing process, as well as the high initial investment required. As a result, there are only a limited number of significant market players, which has elevated the price of oat milk to a premium level. As oat milk is less accessible to customers, consumer preference for it declines. As a result, the development of oat milk could be hindered in the market.
The introduction of COVID-19 used to have a favourable effect on oat milk sales all around the world. Multiple organs are impacted by the illness. The recommendation to choose oat milk as an occasional substitute for dairy milk for those recovering from the illness led to a sharp rise in demand for the product. During the first 8 to 10 months, the number of people infected with the COVID-19 virus surged rapidly across a number of nations, which also led to a rise in the market for oat milk globally. Due to a significant shift in consumer preference towards healthier food options to increase immunity against such diseases, the market is anticipated to develop at a comparable rate throughout the forecast period.
The flavoured segment is estimated to have a lucrative growth, due to rising popularity of flavoured products that meet consumers' needs for comfort and health. Consumers are becoming more and more interested in goods that satisfy their palates while also being healthy. Due in large part to the diverse and ethnic flavours that producers are developing, the demand for flavor-added oat milk has increased.
The cartons segment is anticipated to witness the fastest CAGR growth during the forecast period, due to rising demand for packaging options with high standards and long shelf lives. The rising popularity of Tetra Pak carton packaging, which is mostly constructed of paperboard, has further spurred this increase. The segment's revenue has consequently increased significantly. The demand for sustainable packaging options is what is driving the growth of carton packaging. Given that they are comprised of recyclable and renewable materials, paper-based cartons are one of the greenest packaging options available.
Asia Pacific is projected to hold the largest market share during the forecast period owing to rising disposable income among consumers ready to pay a premium price for health-beneficial products and growing knowledge of the health benefits offered by plant-based milk. Due to the increased prevalence of coronary diseases and also the amount of weight control programmes, the market for plant-based milk is predicted to grow favourably in the area.
North America is projected to have the highest CAGR over the forecast period, owing to high level of customer awareness concerning the protein content and nutritional benefits of oat milk. The market for dairy substitutes in the area has expanded as a result of the high acceptance of e-commerce websites as a selling medium. Oat milk consumption in North America is anticipated to increase as a result of an increase in cases of lactose intolerance and milk allergies. To appeal to a rising consumer population that is choosing plant-based products, regional food and beverage producers are adding dairy substitutes to their products, which is helping the industry grow even more.
Some of the key players profiled in the Oat Milk Market include: The Coca-Cola Company, Happy Plant Foods, Pacific Foods, Bevry , Quaker Oats, Califia Farms, Danone , Oatly, Rice Brewing, HP Hood LLC, Elmhurst, Earth's Own Food Company Inc, The Hain Celestial Group Inc., Thrive Market Inc.
In May 2021, Bevry launched India's First Oat Milk that comes in three flavors that include Original, Choc-O-Haze, and Vanilla Cinnamon. Coca-Cola launched a new oat milk product Simply Oat, under it's Simply brand in 2021, which has expanded its plant-based beverages portfolio.
In Nov 2020, Califia Farms introduced a new long-life oat drink exclusively in the UK market. The company intended to motivate consumers to switch from dairy milk and decrease their environmental footprint.
In May 2020, Pacific Foods launched its Genuine Reduced Sugar Oat Original Plant-Based Beverage. This latest variant has the same consistency as Pacific's Organic Original and Vanilla Oat flavors with 80 percent less sugar.
In Jan 2020, Danone North America launched a new DHA Omega-3 drink, thereby expanded Silk plant-based beverage portfolio in the US. Available in unsweetened and vanilla flavors, Silk DHA Omega-3 features a combination of pea protein, oat milk, and almond milk.
In February 2019, Quaker Oats, a Pepsico-owned Company, launched Oat Beverage. Danone's Silk brand also introduced an Oat-based beverage Oat Yeah.
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