到2028年的焊接材料市场预测-按产品(焊条、线材、焊膏、助焊剂、其他)、按类型、按工艺、全球分析用户和地区Solder Materials Market Forecasts to 2028 - Global Analysis By Product (Bar, Wire, Paste, Flux and Other Products), Type (With Lead and Lead-Free), Process (Wave/Reflow, Screen Printing, Robotic and Laser), End User and By Geography |
根据Stratistics MRC,2022年全球焊锡材料市场规模将达到17.5936亿美元,预计2028年将达到24.9569亿美元,预计复合年增长率为6.0%。
焊接被称为将两种或多种金属熔化并连接在一起,然后在接头中放置一种称为焊料的填充金属的过程。 与相邻金属相比,焊料的熔点较低。 直到几十年前,几乎所有的焊料都含有铅,但出于对环境和健康的考虑,无铅合金现在被用于电子设备和管道。焊料用于电子设备、管道、建筑、珠宝、医疗设备和乐器的金属加工。 焊料主要用于在金属板产品的接头中进行永久性和可逆连接,例如管道、罐、排水沟、屋顶金属板和汽车散热器中的铜管。 此外,电缆通过电子焊接连接到设备,电子元件连接到印刷电路板。
根据国际锡协会 (ITA) 的数据,到 2022 年,锡价将上涨至每吨 42,000 美元。 近年来,锡价在每吨 15,000 美元至 20,000 美元之间,但到 2021 年将上涨近一倍。
电线通过电子焊接连接到设备,电子元件连接到印刷电路板。 助焊剂是焊芯中的一种物质,有助于加强机械和电气连接。 无铅松香芯焊锡是电子设备的主流焊锡。 大多数这种类型的焊料由锡和铜的合金组成。 电脑、服务器、通信设备和消费产品都是电子市场的一部分。 不同的电器产品需要不同类型和形式的电子焊锡。 移动设备、触摸屏和显示器以及医疗电子系统对小型化和自动化的需求不断增长,推动了 PCB 和表面贴装设备的发展。 随着这些不断增长的需求,焊料的使用量也在增加。 随着对智能设备需求的增加和更节能电子产品的开发,焊料市场也有望增长。
无铅焊料需要使用比传统含铅焊料更昂贵的材料。 无铅焊料合金常用银、铜、锡等金属,其高成本提高了无铅焊料的整体价格。 此外,无铅焊料的製造过程通常更加复杂且能源密集,从而推高了製造成本。 製造商必须投资研发以开发新的焊料配方并确保符合行业法规。 这些额外成本预计将导致无铅焊接材料的成本更高,并阻碍雾计算市场的增长。
在传统焊膏中添加纳米颗粒可以改善焊料合金和接头的性能。 纳米复合焊料是通过向焊料基质中添加纳米粒子来製备的,纳米粒子具有尺寸小和表面活性高的特点。 已有研究指出,在焊料中加入纳米粒子可以大大改善焊料基体,增强润湿性,提高焊点的机械性能。 典型类型的纳米颗粒包括金属颗粒、金属间化合物颗粒、金属氧化物颗粒和碳基纳米颗粒。 汽车、飞机以及石油和天然气钻探等行业需要电子元件能够长时间承受高温。 在这种极端环境下,焊点的疲劳失效成为一个主要问题。 通过在焊料中加入纳米粒子,使焊料硬化并稳定晶粒结构,可以提高接合可靠性。 因此,在预测期内,基于纳米颗粒的焊料正在推动焊料市场的增长。
当经常用于电气连接的松香基助焊化学品燃烧时,它们通常会产生焊接烟雾,这会对工人的健康构成威胁。 当焊锡丝升温时,它会释放出大量含有化学物质的蒸汽。 这些气体会引发哮喘发作或加剧现有的呼吸道疾病。 烟雾会刺激上呼吸道系统、眼睛和皮肤。 手工焊接增加了风险,因为操作者的头部很可能会接触到烟源。 此外,在使用含铅焊料的电子产品製造过程中,对铅的处理不当会使员工面临严重的健康危害。 记忆力和注意力问题、消化问题、生殖问题和肌肉疼痛是一些健康影响。 焊接过程会产生对人体有害的气体和粉尘,这将阻碍预测期内的市场增长。
2019 年 12 月在中国武汉爆发的 COVID-19 疫情正在迅速蔓延到世界各地。 化学品和材料行业是世界上最大的行业之一,由于供应链中断、技术活动取消和办公室关闭,这一流行病受到了沉重打击。 中国是世界生产中心,也是许多行业最大的原材料供应国,但也是受 COVID-19 大流行影响最严重的国家之一。 工厂关闭、供应链挑战以及 COVID-19 带来的整体市场崩溃也阻碍了焊接材料行业的扩张。
电线部分的市场份额预计在预测期内将显着扩大。 基础设施、汽车和消费电子等各个行业的维修和维护应用对焊锡丝的需求显着增加。 汽车数量的增加以及随之而来的维护和维修服务需求的增加正在刺激对焊锡丝的需求。 导线广泛用于PCB焊接,更高的功率是市场的驱动因素。 需要认识到,有些电线只能在特定情况下使用,例如,适用于管道但不适用于电子设备的酸芯焊锡丝,因为它们含有酸,这正在推动市场增长。
在焊接材料市场中,预计机器人技术领域在预测期内的复合年增长率最高。 从长远来看,机器人焊接可以节省资金。 儘管机器人系统的初始投资成本可能很高,但降低劳动力成本并最大限度地减少废品和返工可以产生可观的回报。 与机器人焊接相关的潜在成本节约使其成为各个行业的有吸引力的选择,从而导致市场增长,从而推动全球市场的扩张。
由于电子和半导体行业的快速发展,北美占据了区域市场的最大份额。 这符合该国翻新部门的扩张。 在预测期内,预计高功能半导体器件的产量将增加,从而导致市场份额增加。 尤其是在墨西哥,由于电子行业生产基地的扩张,该行业有望显着增长。 此外,随着电子设备售后市场的扩大和电子设备维修店数量的增加,该市场有望增长。
亚太地区的焊接材料市场预计在预测期内将以最高的复合年增长率发展,因为它是世界第一大电子设备生产商。 这些国家的电气和汽车行业对焊接用品的需求不断增加。 除了在电子领域的应用外,焊接材料在电子汽车应用中也变得越来越重要。 由于汽油、柴油和压缩天然气的价格飙升,客户正在转向电子产品。 随着这一变化,该细分市场正在增长,使其成为预测期内该技术增长最快的市场。
2022 年 6 月,Indium Inc. 宣布推出两款新的 AuSn 浆料,专为汽车、基础设施和园艺等高功率 LED 模块阵列应用所需的高加工温度和组装需求而设计。扩大了其产品组合。
2022 年 5 月,Kester 推出了 ALPHA HRL3 Solder Sphere,这是一种用于球安装应用的无铅、高可靠性、低温合金。 与现有的低温合金相比,该合金旨在提高跌落衝击和热循环性能。
2022 年 1 月,Tamura Corporation 开发了一种用于电动汽车 (EV) 充电器和电源转换系统的紧凑型高效电源模块。
Accurus Scientific
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Solder Materials Market is accounted for $1759.36 million in 2022 and is expected to reach $2495.69 million by 2028 growing at a CAGR of 6.0% during the forecast period. Soldering is known as a process in which two or more metals are joined together by melting, followed by placing a filler metal, called solder, into the joint. When compared to the adjacent metal, the filler metal employed in the process has a lower melting point. Nearly all solders contained lead in previous decades, but lead-free alloys are now more frequently used in electronics and plumbing due to customer worries about the environment and their health. In electronics, plumbing, building, and metalworking for jewellery, medical devices, and musical instruments, solder is employed. Between copper pipes in plumbing systems as well as joints in sheet metal objects like food cans, gutters, roof flashing, and automotive radiators, solder primarily offers somewhat permanent yet reversible connections. Electrical cable is connected to devices with electronic solder, and electronic components are attached to printed circuit boards.
According to the International Tin Association (ITA), tin prices have risen to USD 42,000 per ton in 2022. In recent years, the price of tin was between USD 15,000 and USD 20,000 per ton, but it roughly doubled in 2021.
Electrical lines are joined to devices with electronic solder, and electronic components are attached to printed circuit boards. Flux, a substance found inside the solder core, aids in strengthening the mechanical and electrical connections. Lead-free rosin-core solder is the most popular form of solder for electronics. Tin and copper alloys make up the majority of this type of solder. Computers and servers, communications, and consumer items are all part of the electronics market. Different types and forms of electronic solder are required for various electrical products. PCB and surface-mount devices are driven by the rising need for the miniaturization and automation of mobile devices, touch screens and displays, and medical electronic systems. The use of solder materials has increased as a result of the rising demand for these items. As the need for smart devices rises and more energy-efficient electronics are developed, the market for solder materials is also anticipated to grow.
Lead-free solders require the use of more expensive materials compared to traditional lead-based solders. Metals such as silver, copper, and tin are commonly used in lead-free solder alloys, and their higher costs increase the overall price of lead-free solder materials. Furthermore, the manufacturing process for lead-free solders is often more complex and energy-intensive, leading to increased production costs. Manufacturers need to invest in research and development to formulate new solder compositions and ensure compliance with industry regulations. These additional expenses further contribute to the higher cost of lead-free solder materials, which are projected to impede the fog computing market's growth.
The addition of nanoparticles to conventional solder pastes can improve the properties of the solder alloys and joints. With the characteristics of minor size and high surface activity, nanoparticles are added to the solder matrix to prepare nano-composite solder. It has been noted that adding nanoparticles to solder can greatly improve the solder's matrix, increase its wetting capacity, and improve the mechanical performance of the solder junctions. Metal particles, intermetallic compound particles, metal oxide particles, carbon-based nanoparticles, and others are the most common types of nanoparticles. Electronic components must be able to resist high temperatures for lengthy periods of time in the automobile, aircraft, and oil and gas drilling industries. In these extreme settings, solder joint fatigue failure is a significant issue. The dependability of the junction is increased by adding nanoparticles to the solder to harden it and stabilize the grain structure. Thus, the market has a lot to gain from nanoparticle-based solder materials are driving the growth of the Solder Materials market over the forecast period.
When rosin-based flux chemicals, which are frequently used to make electrical connections, are burned, solder vapors typically result, posing health risks to workers. When solder wire is heated, numerous chemical-containing vapours are released. These gases can either trigger asthma attacks or exacerbate pre-existing respiratory disorders. The upper respiratory system, the eyes, and the skin can all become irritated by the fumes. Because the worker's head is more likely to come into contact with the fume source when hand soldering, the risk is increased. Additionally, when lead is not handled appropriately during the manufacture of electronic products using lead soldering, employees may be exposed to serious health impacts. Memory and attention issues, digestion issues, reproductive issues, and muscle pain are a few of the health consequences. The soldering process releases fumes and dust, which are hazardous to human health, which will impede the market growth over the forecast period.
The COVID-19 outbreak, which started in Wuhan (China) in December 2019, is rapidly spreading around the world. One of the world's largest industries, chemicals and materials, is experiencing significant disruptions as a result of this pandemic, including supply chain breakdowns, the cancellation of technological events, and office closures. China is the center of the world's production and the biggest provider of raw materials for many industries, but it is also one of the nations most severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to factory closures, supply chain challenges, and the general market collapse brought on by COVID-19, the expansion of the solder materials industry is also being hampered.
During the anticipated timeframe, the wire segment's market share will expand significantly. Demand for solder wires has significantly increased for repair and maintenance applications across a variety of industries, particularly in the infrastructure, automotive, and consumer electronics sectors. The demand for solder wire is fueled by the rise in the number of cars and the consequent growth in the need for maintenance and repair services. Widespread use of wires in PCB soldering and higher output is major market drivers. For instance, people should be aware that certain wires should only be used in certain situations, such as acid-core solder wire, which is okay for plumbing but unsuitable for electronics because it contains acid, thereby boosting market growth.
The robotic segment is expected to have the highest CAGR during the forecast period in the solder materials market. Robotic soldering can lead to cost savings in the long run. While initial investment costs for robotic systems may be higher, they can provide significant returns by reducing labor costs and minimizing defects or rework. The potential cost savings associated with robotic soldering can make it an attractive option for various industries, leading to market growth, which is fostering the expansion of the global market.
North America has the largest share in the regional market due to the rapidly expanding electronics and semiconductor industries. This was linked to the country's expanding refurbishing sector. Over the course of the projection period, an increase in the production of sophisticated semiconductor devices is anticipated to increase market share. Due to an expansion of the electronics industry's production base, the sector is anticipated to have significant growth, particularly in Mexico. Additionally, it is anticipated that the growth of the electronics aftermarket and the rising number of repair shops for electronic gadgets will promote market expansion.
The solder materials market in Asia Pacific is anticipated to develop at the greatest CAGR during the forecast period since it has the highest production of electronics globally. The electrical and automotive industries are driving up demand for soldering supplies in these nations. The solder materials are becoming increasingly important in electronic vehicle applications in addition to their uses in the electronic sector. Since the price of gasoline, diesel, and compressed natural gas has grown, there has been a trend among customers toward electronic products. The market in the area has grown as a result of this change, making it the fastest-growing market for this technology over the projection period.
Some of the key players in Solder Materials Market include Accurus Scientific, Agni Solders, Aim, Balaji Insulation Co., Belmont Metals Inc., Deoksan Hi Metal, Digi Key Corp., Duksan Himetal Co. Ltd., Element Solutions Inc., Fakri Metals, Fusion Incorporated, Genma Europe Gmbh, Handy And Harman Manufacturing Singapore Pte. Ltd., Harima Chemicals Group Inc., Indium Corp., Inventec Performance Chemical, Kester, Koki Company Ltd, Lucas-Milhaupt, Inc., Nihon Genma, Qualitek International, Inc., R.S. Hughes, Saru Silver Alloy Private Limited, Senju Metal Industry Co. Ltd., Stannol Gmbh And Co. Kg, Superior Flux & Mfg. Co., Tamura Corp., Warton Metals Ltd. And Waytek
In June 2022, Indium Corporation expanded its portfolio of proven pastes with two new AuSn pastes designed for the higher processing temperatures and assembly needs required in high-power LED module array applications, such as automotive, infrastructure, and horticulture.
In May 2022, Kester launched ALPHA HRL3 Solder Sphere, Lead-free, high reliability, low temperature alloy for ball mount applications. The alloy is designed to exhibit improved drop shock and thermal cycling performance versus existing low temperature alloys in the market.
In January 2022, Tamura Corp. developed compact and highly efficient power modules for use in electric vehicle (EV) chargers and power conversion systems.
11.1 Accurus Scientific