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电动车电池隔膜市场:2024-2029年预测EV Battery Separator Market - Forecasts from 2024 to 2029 |
多节电池由阳极和阴极组成,阳极和阴极透过称为电池隔膜的绝缘体彼此分开。此外,隔膜浸入电解中,在电池充电时有助于离子从正极流向负极,并在电池放电时抵消相同的过程。这种类型的隔板是不导电的电绝缘体。隔膜是电池的重要组成部分,必须存在才能将负极和正极分开,而不会干扰锂离子 (Li-ion) 在负极和正极之间的移动。在现代锂离子电池模型中,含有电解的横膈膜所占据的电池体积约为电池体积的3%。
此外,锂离子电池近年来席捲了美国汽车产业,被认为是快速扩张的电动车市场的有效解决方案。预测表明,到 2030 年,电动车将占美国所有乘用车的约 40% 或更多。过去15年电动车产业的大部分进步可归功于锂电池的创新。
随着人们寻求更省油、高性能和低排放的车辆,对电子驱动车辆 (EDV) 的兴趣日益增长预计将成为推动力。该行业的另一个驱动力是锂电池动力来源使混合动力汽车、插电式汽车、全电池电动车、巴士、计程车和车队等车辆成为可能。 Celgard 的锂离子电池隔离膜在这些 EDV 电池配置中的安全性、能源和功率性能的最佳组合方面具有优势。该公司提供各种分离器解决方案,可满足 EDV 系统的多种性能需求,包括安全性、化学和尺寸稳定性以及循环寿命。
此外,Tekra 的Mylar和 Melinex 聚酯薄膜可提供用于锂离子电池绝缘体和隔膜的各种厚度,杜邦帝人薄膜 (DuPont Teijin Films) 的 Kaladex 薄膜可用于 Toyobo Film Solutions Limited 的Teonex薄膜以及 PEN 薄膜。相当多的厚度变化。
另一个例子是东丽工业公司的SETELA。这是一种高性能且可靠的电池隔膜。它常被用作消费性电子配件和电动车中锂离子二次电池的隔膜材料。同样,2022年11月,通用汽车与微宏组成合资企业,在美国建造隔膜工厂。新工厂和分离器计划得到了美国能源局电池材料加工和製造倡议津贴2 亿美元的支持。
目前,EVB仅使用锂离子电池,而这一趋势预计将持续下去。此外,在为市场设计和营运锂离子电池及相关系统时,生产商必须解决环境和永续开拓问题,例如适当的生命週期管理(维修/再利用、回收和处置)。电池需求的增加预计也将推动电动车电池隔膜产业的成长。 2022年汽车锂离子电池需求将达550GWh,较2021年约330GWh成长约65%。这一增长主要是由于同期电动乘用车新註册量增加了 55%。
根据日本汽车经销商协会(JADA)和全国轻型汽车协会联合会(Zenkei Jikyo)发布的电动车销量统计数据,截至年终,日本总合58,813辆电池式电动车(BEV)。 2021年相比成长了2.7倍。纯电动车占乘用车销量的比重从2021年的0.6%上升到2022年的1.7%,首次超过1%。此外,由于日本製定了到 2035 年实现 100% 清洁汽车的严格目标,考虑到电动车在户外使用的优势,纯电动车的销量预计将会增加。
此外,根据IEA估计,该地区95%的电动车LDV磷酸盐电池来自中国,其中比亚迪占最大市场占有率,占50%。特斯拉将供应15%,磷酸铁锂电池的份额将从2021年的20%增加到2022年的30%。特斯拉约 85% 的汽车使用磷酸铁锂电池,其中大部分在中国生产。
The global EV battery separator market is expected to account for a compound annual growth rate of 8.57% and increase from US$2.266 Billion in 2024 to account for US$4.029 Billion in 2029.
A multi-cell battery consists of an anode and a cathode that are separated from each other by an insulator known as the battery separator. Additionally, the separator is soaked in an electrolyte that assists in the flow of ions from the cathode into the anode when the battery is being charged while opposing the same process when the battery is being discharged. This type of separator is a non-conductive electrical insulator. Separators are key components within the battery components and even have to be present since they keep the anodes and cathodes apart without preventing the movement of lithium ions (Li-ion) between them. In the contemporary Li-ion battery models, the cell volume occupied by the separator containing electrolyte is nearly three percent of the cell volume.
In commercially available lithium-ion batteries, polyolefin is used as a separator. It possesses excellent mechanical properties, high resistance to chemicals, and rather low cost. A polyolefin is a polymer produced when an olefin, ethylene, undergoes polymerization. Ethylene is a hydrocarbon that mostly comes from the chemical refining of crude oil, while polyolefin encompasses both polyethylene and polypropylene. Relative to the Li-ion battery, the separator is a porous material with a pore size of 30 to 100 nm.
Additionally, lithium-ion batteries, which have captured the US automotive industry over the past few years, are considered a viable solution in the fast-expanding EV market. The forecast indicates that EVs will be about 40% or more of the total passenger vehicles in the USA by 2030. The advancements witnessed in the EV industry in the past 15 years can almost be attributed to the innovation in lithium batteries.
EV battery separator market drivers
Rising interest in electronic drive vehicles (EDVs) is predicted to propel because people are demanding more fuel-efficient, high-performing, and less emission-based vehicles. The other factor of the industry is powered by lithium batteries, allowing for hybrids, plug-ins, full battery electrics, and vehicles like buses, taxis, and fleets, among others. Within this range of EDV battery cell configurations, Celgard lithium-ion battery separators have advantages in safety and energy, power performance optimal combinations. The company provides various separator solutions to address the several performance needs of EDV systems, including safety, chemical and dimensional stability, and cycle life.
Furthermore, Tekra's Mylar and Melinex polyester films are provided in various thicknesses for use in lithium-ion battery insulation and separators, Kaladex films from DuPont Teijin Films are PEN films offered in considerable varieties of thicknesses alongside Teonex films from Toyobo Film Solutions Limited.
Another illustration of this is SETELA, which Toray Industries provided. This is a battery separator film of high performance and great reliability. It is often used as a separator material in secondary lithium-ion batteries in consumer electrical accessories and electric automobiles. Similarly, in November 2022, General Motors and Microvast made a joint venture to build a separator factory in the US. The new plant and separator project received support from a $200 million grant awarded to the US Department of Energy from its Battery Materials Processing and Manufacturing Initiative.
Currently, EVBs employ lithium-ion batteries only, and this trend is believed to continue in the coming years. Moreover, when designing and operating Li-ion batteries and related systems for the market, producers make sure that environmental, sustainable development issues such as appropriate life cycle management (repair and reuse, recycling or disposal) are addressed. Rising demand for batteries is also expected to fuel the EV battery separator industry's growth. In 2022, the demand for automotive Li-ion batteries increased by approximately 65%, reaching 550 GWh, compared to around 330 GWh in 2021. This growth was primarily driven by a 55% rise in new registrations of electric passenger vehicles during the same period.
EV battery separator market geographical outlook
The separation of EV batteries is forecast to be one of the lucrative markets in the Asia Pacific region owing to the growing usage of EVs within the region and the subsequent increase in the number of EVs manufacturing companies. In particular, China, Japan, and South Korea will lead the nations as they provide some government policy and funding for battery development while encouraging green energy techniques. Additionally, as this region leads in EV manufacturing, high-performance battery separators that are important for boosting battery performance and safety are in high demand.
According to statistics on EV sales published by the Japan Automobile Dealers Association (JADA) and the Japan Mini Vehicle Association (Zenkeijikyo), a total of 58,813 Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) were sold in Japan as of the end of 2022, such rise representing 2.7 times growth from 2021. The ratio of BEVs to total passenger car sales also termed the BEV ratio, grew to 1.7 in 2022, an increase from 0.6 percent in 2021 before crossing the 1 percent figure for the first time. Further, BEV Sales in Japan would also cause sales of BEV motor vehicles to increase due to the strict target of 100% clean vehicles in the country set for 2035 while also considering the benefits of EVs outdoors.
Further, as stated by the IEA, it is estimated that 95% of the electric LDV lithium ion phosphate batteries used in the region were sourced from China, with BYD holding the largest market share at 50%. Tesla provided 15%, with its share of LFP batteries growing from 20% in 2021 to 30% in 2022. LFP batteries are used in around 85% of the cars manufactured by Tesla, most of which are produced in China.
Nonetheless, battery prices depend on the region, with the lowest being in China and the highest in the remainder of the Asia Pacific region. The differences in pricing are because approximately 65 percent of battery cells are manufactured in China, while more than 80 percent of cathodes come from there. This fast-changing scenario reinforces the importance of Asia Pacific in shaping the market for EV battery separators, which is aggressively competitive in establishing and enhancing technology to meet increasing demands.
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