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近眼显示器市场 - 2018-2028 年全球产业规模、份额、趋势、机会和预测,按组件、设备类型(扩增实境、虚拟实境、其他)、技术、最终用户、地区和竞争细分Near-Eye Display Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, 2018-2028F Segmented By Component, By Device Type (Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Others ), By Technology, By End User, By Region and Competition |
由于企业在最新应用中越来越多地使用 OLED 微型显示器以满足不断增长的业务需求,预计全球近眼显示器 (NED) 市场将在预测期内激增。在全球范围内,供应商正在透过整合虚拟实境(VR)、扩增实境(AR)和穿戴式运算等新兴领域的技术来进行重大产品创新,以满足客户需求和市场需求。此外,为了提高营运效率和即时态势感知,企业越来越多地考虑更可靠、更安全的解决方案。透过云端运算、增强的互联网连接以及北美、欧洲和亚太地区等多个地区政府资讯、通讯和技术 (ICT) 支出的增加,数位技术在工业系统中的系统性整合预计将增强近眼显示(NED)的功能。反过来,预计这将推动预测期内的市场成长。
近眼显示器(有时称为头戴式显示器)在向人们提供虚拟影像方面发挥了至关重要的作用。在「交叉/扩展现实」(XR) 频谱中,近眼显示器使用户沉浸在虚拟环境 (VR) 中,或透过迭加数位资讯来扩增实境世界 (AR)。此外,近眼显示器会对头部运动做出反应,并实现操纵和物体互动。除此之外,新流行的近眼显示器有潜力创造尖端体验,可能改变各种市场,包括製造、医疗保健、通讯和娱乐。对于商用近眼显示器的最终迭代,需要超宽视野 (FOV)、清晰的深度提示以及具有可承受重量的小外形尺寸。儘管使用自由曲面组件不仅可以产生宽广的视野,而且可以产生更好、更轻的图像可能是一种有益的策略,但它们的重量和体积使它们不适合佩戴。该系统可以扩展到包括反射镜、取代球面透镜类别的楔形自由形状棱镜或梯度折射率透镜。
市场概况 | |
预测期 | 2024-2028 |
2022 年市场规模 | 17.7亿美元 |
2028 年市场规模 | 79.8亿美元 |
2023-2028 年复合年增长率 | 28.54% |
成长最快的细分市场 | 卫生保健 |
最大的市场 | 北美洲 |
当前数位创新和数位化的浪潮增加了对近眼显示器(NED)的需求,这导致企业重新评估其产品规格。近眼显示器 (NED) 在渴望拥抱数位转型的组织中越来越受欢迎。世界各地的製造商都在寻找解决方案和措施来优化其营运并提高效率。科技巨头正致力于与为客户创造和提供价值的公司合作并建立伙伴关係。 Meta、Apple、Microsoft Corporation 和 Samsung Group 正在开发可提供高效能的创新近眼显示模组。例如,2022年2月,微显示器技术的领导者Porotech获得了2000万美元的投资,以加速其全球扩张并增加其独特的micro-LED产品的大规模生产。这项投资将加速 XR 眼镜的商业化和最新的用户介面创新浪潮。此外,一些研究组织正在研究将 AR 技术用于一系列产品和应用。同时,市场上近一年的显示器产品数量激增可能归因于製造商和公司加强了研发。因此,科技巨头增加投资以促进近眼显示器(NED)产品的采用预计将在预测期内实现全球近眼显示器(NED)市场的成长。
OLED 的新兴技术有望带来新的应用,并有可能振兴微显示。 OLEDoS 微显示器由于具有比任何其他 LCD 更高的对比度、更快的响应时间、更轻的重量以及更宽的工作温度范围等先进功能而获得发展势头。凭藉更好的色彩品质和更大的视角,近眼应用的 OLEDoS 微型显示器为所有阻碍近眼系统在显示器市场中发挥重要作用的问题提供了潜在的解决方案。此外,OLEDoS 微显示器有潜力为超便携式数位电器和娱乐产品创造新的机会。因此,许多企业正在将OLEDoS和LEDoS技术整合到他们的产品中,因为这些技术具有快速的反应时间和轻薄製造能力。随着数位化的普及,智慧型设备和基于微显示的设备的采用比过去几年有所增加。例如,根据 The Elec 报导,三星和韩国 LG Display 等大型企业正在为苹果公司开发新的 OLED 蚀刻技术,该公司将在混合实境耳机中使用该技术。此外,开发高品质显示器以及与汽车行业整合的合作不断加强,OLED 微显示器在最新应用中的采用激增。 2023 年 5 月 24 日,Kopin 的合作伙伴关係扩展了其沉积能力,以改善和扩大其 OLED 沉积能力,加强其供应链并确保对美国国防部和北约友好地点的主权供应的连续性。供应链的重复和冗余减少了中断的可能性,让国防客户高枕无忧。因此,各企业将OLED微显示器应用于成像、投影、智慧穿戴等应用,以优化产品效率。
由于高速传输和处理的快速进步,扩增实境 (AR) 和虚拟实境 (VR) 正在发展成为下一代显示平台,以实现更深入的人机数位互动。这些技术因其在下一代智慧型装置中的潜在应用而引起了广泛关注,为无数改善日常生活的 AR 应用提供了入口网站。全息术和光刻等新兴技术重塑了 AR/VR 显示系统。大多数 VR 和 AR 装置都是头戴式或眼镜式穿戴式装置。在这些装置中,显示器对于增强沉浸感非常重要,因为与听觉、触觉、嗅觉和味觉等其他方式相比,大多数人更容易接受视觉方式的讯息。由于该技术仍处于初始阶段,企业正在大力尝试与其业务集成,以提供先进的产品以提供更好的客户体验。例如,京东方科技集团有限公司推出了虚拟实境眼镜、Pancake Particle/BOE Pancake Optic 250g一体式VR耳机。未来的一体成型 VR 耳机重量仅 250 克,厚度是传统 VR 耳机的 1/4。 2023 年 2 月 28 日,小米公司宣布推出轻量 AR 眼镜,该眼镜内建彩色 microOLED 萤幕、手势控制和 VR 模式切换,实现完全沉浸式体验。此外,VR头显需要体积小、重量轻的近眼显示器,因为它们是舒适的使用者体验所必需的,因此对近眼显示器的需求不断增长。因此,对 AR/VR 设备的需求不断增长正在推动预测期内近眼显示器 (NED) 市场的成长。
头戴式显示器 (HMD) 技术正在彻底改变资讯显示方式,为飞行员提供头盔面罩上所需的所有关键资讯。这些技术显着缩短了反应时间并减轻了负担,从而极大地提高了实现目标的能力。随着头戴式显示器在航空业的日益普及,飞行员可以轻鬆地看到透过显示器投射的文字、图像、高度等讯息,同时增强了操作能力。它透过将即时、关键的飞行和任务资讯投射到使用者对外部世界的看法上,为使用者提供重要的态势感知 (SA)。根据以色列研究所的一项研究,配备头显的战斗机的作战能力增加了三倍。例如,美国陆军已将最先进的电子系统(包括全球定位系统(GPS)、无线电和近眼或头盔显示器(HMD))融入作战人员的随身设备中,以提供即时情况意识。随着头戴式显示器的现代化,许多企业正在将这种近眼显示技术集成为大多数先进航空电子系统的主要解决方案。 F-35 等战斗机使用现代 HMDS 辅助装置,使飞行员能够观察任何方向。这款头盔非常复杂且令人印象深刻,以至于 F-35 飞行员在飞行时只配备两个显示器,一个位于驾驶舱内,另一个位于头盔上。因此,头戴式显示器在航空航太和国防领域的使用不断增加归因于全球市场中近眼显示器(NED)的成长。
全球近眼显示器 (NED) 市场分为组件、设备类型、技术、最终用户和区域。根据组件,市场分为影像产生器、光学组合器和成像光学元件。根据设备类型,市场进一步分为扩增实境(AR)、虚拟实境(VR),其他进一步分为EVF和混合实境(MR)。根据技术,市场分为TFT LCD(薄膜电晶体液晶显示器)、OLEDoS(硅基有机发光二极体)、LCos(硅基液晶)、Micro-LED(发光二极体)、 AMOLED(主动矩阵有机发光二极体)、DLP (数位光处理)和雷射光束扫描。根据最终用户,市场分为汽车、航空航太和国防、消费者、医疗保健等。
主要参与者包括索尼集团公司、Himax Technologies, Inc.、Kopin Corporation、eMagin Corporation、MICROOLED Technologies、BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.、Syndiant, Inc.、JBD Xianyao Display Technology、TriLite Technologies GmbH、Texas Instruments Incorporated正在推动全球近眼显示器(NED)市场的成长。
Global near-eye display (NED) market is predicted to proliferate during the forecast period due to the increasing use of OLED micro displays in latest applications by enterprises to meet the need for growing businesses. Globally, vendors are making significant product innovations by integrating technologies in emerging fields such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and wearable computing to cater to customer needs and market requirements. Additionally, to enhance the high operational efficiency and real-time situational awareness, enterprises are increasingly considering more reliable and secure solutions. The systematic integration of digital technologies in industrial systems carried out with cloud computing, enhanced internet connectivity, and rise in Information, Communication, & Technology (ICT) expenditure by governments in the several regions, including North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific are expected to enhance the features of Near-Eye Display (NED). This, in turn, is expected to drive the market growth during the forecast period.
A near-eye display, sometimes referred to as a head-mounted display, has played a crucial role in delivering virtual images to people. In the "cross/extended reality" (XR) spectrum, near-eye displays immerses the user in a virtual environment (VR) or enhances the actual world (AR) by superimposing digital information. Additionally, near-eye displays react to head movement and enable manipulation and object interaction. Aside from that, newly popular near-eye displays have the potential to create cutting-edge experiences that might alter a variety of markets, including manufacturing, healthcare, communication, and entertainment. For the final iteration of the commercial near eye display an ultra-wide field of vision (FOV), clear depth cues, and a small form factor with tolerable weight are needed. Although using freeform surface components to produce not just a wide field of vision but a better and lighter image may be a beneficial strategy, their weight and volume make them unwearable. The system may be extended to include reflecting mirrors, a wedge-shaped freeform prism in place of the spherical lens category, or gradient index lenses.
The popularity of VR and AR technologies is rising, notably in gaming-related goods and events, because of the developing and expanding gaming culture among millennials and members of generation Z. To improve the experience for spectators and players, some gaming tournaments use goods utilising near-eye display technology. The increased use of VR and AR technologies in the entertainment sector to produce various forms of content will hasten the demand for and expansion of the near-eye display market over the next several years.
Market Overview | |
Forecast Period | 2024-2028 |
Market Size 2022 | USD 1.77 Billion |
Market Size 2028 | USD 7.98 Billion |
CAGR 2023-2028 | 28.54% |
Fastest Growing Segment | Healthcare |
Largest Market | North America |
The current surge of digital innovation and digitalization has increased the demand for Near-Eye Display (NED) which has caused businesses to reevaluate their product specifications. Near-Eye Display (NED) is becoming increasingly popular among organizations that are eager to embrace digital transformation. Manufacturers worldwide are looking for solutions and measures to optimize their operations and improve efficiency. Technology giants are focusing their efforts on collaborating and forming partnerships with companies that create and provide value for their customers. Innovative near-eye display modules that offer effective and efficient performance are being developed by Meta, Apple, Microsoft Corporation, and the Samsung Group. For instance, on Feb 2022, Porotech, a leader in microdisplay technology, obtained a USD 20 million investment to hasten its worldwide expansion and increase mass manufacturing of its distinctive micro-LED products. The commercialization of XR glasses and the most recent wave of user interface innovation will be sped up by this investment. Additionally, several research organizations are looking into the use of AR technology for a range of products and applications. Along with this, a surge in the number of near-year display items on the market may be attributed to manufacturers and firms increased R&D efforts. Therefore, increasing investment by technology giants to boost the adoption of near-eye display (NED) products is expected to grow the global Near-Eye Display (NED) market in the forecast period.
Emerging technologies in OLEDs are promising new applications with the potential to revitalize microdisplay. OLEDoS microdisplays are gaining momentum due to advanced features such as higher contrast, faster response time, lighter weight, and a wider operating temperature range than any other LCDs. With better color quality, and increased viewing angles, the near-eye application's OLEDoS micro-displays offer a potential solution to all the issues that have kept near-eye systems from taking a major role in the display marketplace. In addition, OLEDoS microdisplays have the potential for creating new opportunities for ultraportable digital appliances and entertainment products. Therefore, many enterprises are integrating OLEDoS and LEDoS technologies in their products as these technologies have fast response time and thin & light manufacturing capacity. With the proliferation of digitalization, the growth in the adoption of smart devices and microdisplay based devices have increased from the past years. For instance, according to the report by The Elec, large enterprise such as Samsung and South Korea's LG Display Co Ltd. are developing new OLED etching technology for Apple Inc. The company will use the technology in mixed-reality headsets. Furthermore, the growing cooperative efforts to develop high-quality display and integrating with the automotive industries are proliferating the adoption of OLED Microdisplays in latest applications. On May 24, 2023, Kopin's partner partnerships extend their deposition capabilities to improve and expand its OLED deposition capabilities, strengthening their supply chain and ensuring continuity of sovereign supply to several US Department of Defense and NATO-friendly locations. The supply chain's duplication and redundancy reduce the likelihood of interruptions and provide its defence clients with peace of mind. Therefore, various enterprises are adopting the OLED microdisplays into applications such as imaging, projection, smart wearable etc. to optimize the product efficiency.
Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are developing as next-generation display platforms for deeper human-digital interactions as a result of the quick advancements in high-speed transmission and processing. These technologies have attracted significant attention, owing to their potential application in next-generation smart devices providing a gateway to countless AR applications that are improving daily lives. Emerging technologies like holography and lithography have reshaped the AR/VR display systems. Most VR and AR devices are head-mounted or eye-glass-type wearable devices. In these devices, displays are important for enhancing immersion, because most humans are more receptive to information in the visual modality, compared with other modalities such as auditory, tactile, olfactory, and gustatory. As the technology is still in the initial stage, enterprises are enormously trying to integrate with their businesses enabling an advance offering for better customer experience. For instance, BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. unveiled a Virtual Reality Glasses, Pancake Particle/BOE Pancake Optic 250g All-In-One VR Headset. The all-in-one VR headset of the future weighs only 250g and is 1/4 as thick as a conventional VR headset. On 28 Feb 2023, Xiaomi corporation announced the launch of lightweight AR glasses, which have built-in color microOLED screens, gesture control, and a VR mode switch for total immersion. Moreover, VR headsets require small, lightweight near eye displays since they are necessary for a comfortable user experience, therefore the demand for the near eye display is growing. Thus, rising demand for AR/VR devices are propelling the growth of the near eye display (NED) market in the forecasting period.
Head Mounted Display (HMD) technology is revolutionizing the way information is displayed by providing pilots with all the crucial information they require on the helmet's visor. These technologies significantly improve reaction times and lighten the burden, which dramatically improves the capacity to carry out their objectives. With the growing adoption of head mounted displays in the aviation industries, pilots can easily see the information such as text, image, altitude, etc. which is projected through the display while enhancing the operational capabilities. It provides its user with significant situational awareness (SA) by projecting real-time, critical flight and mission information overlaid onto their view of the outside world. According to a study by the Israeli Research Institute, operational capacities of fighter planes armed with HMDs have increased by three times. For instance, the US Army has incorporated the latest advances in electronic systems including global positioning system (GPS), radio, and a near-eye or Helmet-Mounted Display (HMD) into the Warfighter's body-worn equipment to provide real-time situation awareness. With the modernization of head mounted displays, many enterprises are integrating this near eye display technology as a primary solution for most of the advanced avionics systems. Fighter aircraft such as the F-35, with the use of modern HMDS aids in enabling pilots to look in any direction. This helmet is so sophisticated and impressive that F-35 pilots fly with only two displays, one in their cockpit, the other on their helmet. Therefore, the growing use of head mounted display in aerospace & defense is attributed to the growth of near eye display (NED) in the global market.
The Global Near Eye Display (NED) market is segmented into component, device type, technology, end-user, and region. Based on component, the market is segmented into image generators, optical combiners, and imaging optics. Based on device type, the market is further divided into augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), others further bifurcated into EVF and mixed reality (MR). Based on technology, the market is divided into TFT LCD (thin film transistor liquid-crystal display), OLEDoS (organic light-emitting diode on silicon), LCos (liquid crystal on silicon), Micro-LED (light-emitting diodes), AMOLED (active-matrix organic light-emitting diodes), DLP (digital light processing), and laser beam scanning. Based on end user, the market is segmented into automotive, aerospace & defense, consumer, healthcare, and others.
Sony Group Corporation, Himax Technologies, Inc., Kopin Corporation, eMagin Corporation, MICROOLED Technologies, BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd., Syndiant, Inc., JBD Xianyao Display Technology, TriLite Technologies GmbH, Texas Instruments Incorporated are among the major players that are driving the growth of the Global Near-Eye Display (NED) Market.
In this report, the global Near-Eye Display (NED) market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:
(Note: The companies list can be customized based on the client requirements.)