

Western Europe Pay TV Forecasts

出版日期: | 出版商: Digital TV Research | 英文 106 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内


从 2023 年到 2029 年,西欧付费电视用户数预计将减少 8%,即近 900 万,至 9,300 万。 然而,2029年的付费电视渗透率仍将是53%,儘管这将低于2023年的58%,这并不像美国那么糟糕。

从 2023 年到 2029 年,18 个国家中的 14 个国家的付费电视订户数量将下降。 德国将减少270万,英国将减少200万,义大利将减少150万,法国将减少110万。

预计 2023 年至 2029 年间,IPTV 用户将增加 100 万。 另一方面,付费卫星电视预计将减少640万人,付费DTT将减少80万人,有线电视将减少240万人。




  • 见解:按国家/地区详细分析(PDF 文檔,64 页)
  • Excel 工作簿按主要营运商、国家/地区和平台划分的 18 个国家的家庭普及率、付费电视订户数量和付费电视收入资料(2015-2029 年)
来自 18 个国家 75 家业者的预测: 运算子数量 运算子奥地利 5 奥地利电信;洋红;天空;Liwest;HD 奥地利 比利时 5 Proximus;Telenet;VOO;Telesat/TV Vlaanderen;橘色 丹麦 6 Allente;你看;Stofa;Boxer;TDC;Telia 芬兰 4 Elisa;Telia;DNA;Allente;Digita法国 6 橘色;SFR;CanalSat;免费;布伊格;TNT 德国 6 沃达丰;DT/T-Home;Sky;Telecolumbus;HD+;Freenet 冰岛 2 沃达丰、Siminn 爱尔兰 3 处女;天空;eir义大利 3 天空;义大利电信;沃达丰卢森堡 2 Tele des P&T; Eltrona马耳他 2 梅丽塔;走 荷兰 5 Ziggo;Canal Digital;Tele 2;KPN/Digitenne 挪威 5 Allente;Riks TV;Telenor;Telia;Altibox葡萄牙 4 Meo/PT;NOS;Nowo;沃达丰西班牙 4 沃达丰;Telefonica/Movistar;Euskaltel;Orange瑞典 5 阿连特;Tele 2;Telia;Boxer;Telenor 瑞士 3 瑞士电信;UPC;日出英国 4 Sky;Virgin;BT;TalkTalk

Western Europe will lose nearly 9 million pay TV subscribers between 2023 and 2029 to reach 93 million - down by 8%. This is nowhere near as bad as the US as pay TV penetration will still be 53% by 2029 - down from 58% in 2023.

Pay TV subscriber counts will fall for 14 of the 18 countries between 2023 and 2029. Germany will lose 2.7 million subs, with the UK down by 2.0 million, Italy 1.5 million and France by 1.1 million.

IPTV will gain 1 million subscribers between 2023 and 2029, with pay satellite TV down by 6.4 million, pay DTT down by 0.8 million and cable down by 2.4 million.

Simon Murray , Principal Analyst at Digital TV Research, said: "Pay satellite TV will be the biggest loser because most DTH platforms do not offer broadband access. However, this is not true of Sky, which wants to convert its satellite TV subscribers to its streaming platforms. Sky will lose 1.8 million satellite TV subs in both Germany and the UK as well as a further 1.3 million in Italy - or nearly 5 million between 2023 and 2029."

Table of Contents

Published in March 2024, this 106-page PDF and excel report comes in two parts:

  • Insight: Detailed country-by-country analysis in a 64-page PDF document.
  • Excel workbook covering each year from 2015 to 2029 for 18 countries by household penetration, by pay TV subscribers, by pay TV revenues and by major operator. As well as summary tables by country and by platform;

Forecasts for the following 18 countries and 75 operators:

Country No of ops Operators
Austria 5 Telekom Austria; Magenta; Sky; Liwest; HD Austria
Belgium 5 Proximus; Telenet; VOO; Telesat/TV Vlaanderen; Orange
Denmark 6 Allente; You See; Stofa; Boxer; TDC; Telia
Finland 4 Elisa; Telia; DNA; Allente; Digita
France 6 Orange; SFR; CanalSat; Free; Bouygues; TNT
Germany 6 Vodafone; DT/T-Home; Sky; Telecolumbus; HD+; Freenet
Iceland 2 Vodafone, Siminn
Ireland 3 Virgin; Sky; eir
Italy 3 Sky; Telecom Italia; Vodafone
Luxembourg 2 Tele des P&T; Eltrona
Malta 2 Melita; Go
Netherlands 5 Ziggo; Canal Digitaal; Tele 2; KPN/Digitenne
Norway 5 Allente; Riks TV; Telenor; Telia; Altibox
Portugal 4 Meo/PT; NOS; Nowo; Vodafone
Spain 4 Vodafone; Telefonica/Movistar; Euskaltel; Orange
Sweden 5 Allente; Tele 2; Telia; Boxer; Telenor
Switzerland 3 Swisscom; UPC; Sunrise
UK 4 Sky; Virgin; BT; TalkTalk