

Asia Pacific Pay TV Forecasts

出版日期: | 出版商: Digital TV Research | 英文 118 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2个工作天内


到 2029 年,亚太地区预计将增加 1,100 万付费电视用户。到 2029 年,中国和印度预计将占该地区 6.27 亿付费电视用户(即 5.03 亿)的 80%。2023 年至 2029 年间,印度将 "仅" 增加 1,000 万付费电视用户,而中国将损失 300 万。22 个国家中的 15 个国家将在 2023 年至 2029 年间增加订户数量。

到 2022 年,IPTV 用户数量将超过有线电视用户数量。2023 年至 2029 年间,数位有线用户将减少 1,000 万人。中国将失去1400万数位有线用户,而巴基斯坦将增加300万人。模拟有线用户将减少 500 万至零。



  • 见解:详细的国家分析(72 页 PDF 文件)
  • Excel 工作簿: 22 个国家的家庭普及率、付费电视订户数量以及依主要营运商、国家/地区和平台划分的付费电视收入数据(2015 年至 2029 年)


国家 操作人员数量 平台预测
澳洲 1 Foxtel
孟加拉 1 Akash
柬埔寨 3 CDN; One TV; Sky One
中国 4 China Radio & TV; China Telecom; BesTV; China Unicom
香港 2 i-cable; Now TV
印度 9 Hathway; GTPL; Siti; DEN; Dish TV; Tata Sky; Airtel; Sun Direct; MTNL
印尼 7 Linknet; Transvision; Indovision; Top TV; Okevision; MNC Play; Telkom
日本 3 SkyPerfecTV; J:Com; NTT
马来西亚 2 Astro; TM
蒙古 2 Univision; DDish
缅甸 2 SkyNet; 4TV/MRTV (Forever)
尼泊尔 1 Dish Media
纽西兰 1 Sky; Vodafone
巴基斯坦 1 PTCL
菲律宾 2 Sky Cable/Sky Direct; Cignal
新加坡 2 StarHub; SingTel TV
韩国 9 LG Hellovision; T Broad; D'Live; CMB; Hyundai HCN; KT Olleh; Skylife; B TV; LG U+
斯里兰卡 2 Dialog; Peo
台湾 4 Taiwan Broadband; TWM; CNS; CHT
泰国 3 Truevisions; TOT; AIS
越南 8 SCTV; VTVCab; HTV-CMS; VNPT; Viettel; FPT; K+; Viva TV

Asia Pacific will add 11 million pay TV subscribers by 2029. China and India together will account for 80% of the region's 627 million pay TV subscribers by 2029 - or 503 million subscribers collectively. India will add "only" 10 million pay TV subscribers between 2023 and 2029, with China down by 3 million. Fifteen of the 22 countries will gain subscribers between 2023 and 2029.

Simon Murray, Principal Analyst at Digital TV Research, said: "IPTV is the biggest pay TV winner - adding 28 million subscribers between 2023 and 2029 to total 311 million. Much of this growth will happen in China (up by 11 million) as cable subs convert to OTT or IPTV and in India (up by 13 million)."

IPTV subscribers overtook cable TV ones in 2022. Digital cable subscriptions will fall by 10 million between 2023 and 2029. China will lose 14 million digital cable subscribers, although Pakistan will add 3 million. Analog cable subscriptions will fall by 5 million to zero.

Table of Contents

Published in April 2024, this 118-page PDF and excel report comes in two parts:

  • Insight: Detailed country-by-country analysis in a 72-page PDF document.
  • Excel workbook covering each year from 2015 to 2029 for 22 countries by household penetration, by pay TV subscribers, by pay TV revenues and by major operator. As well as summary tables by country and by platform.

Forecasts for the following 22 countries and 69 platforms:

Country No of ops Platform forecasts
Australia 1 Foxtel
Bangladesh 1 Akash
Cambodia 3 CDN; One TV; Sky One
China 4 China Radio & TV; China Telecom; BesTV; China Unicom
Hong Kong 2 i-cable; Now TV
India 9 Hathway; GTPL; Siti; DEN; Dish TV; Tata Sky; Airtel; Sun Direct; MTNL
Indonesia 7 Linknet; Transvision; Indovision; Top TV; Okevision; MNC Play; Telkom
Japan 3 SkyPerfecTV; J:Com; NTT
Malaysia 2 Astro; TM
Mongolia 2 Univision; DDish
Myanmar 2 SkyNet; 4TV/MRTV (Forever)
Nepal 1 Dish Media
New Zealand 1 Sky; Vodafone
Pakistan 1 PTCL
Philippines 2 Sky Cable/Sky Direct; Cignal
Singapore 2 StarHub; SingTel TV
S Korea 9 LG Hellovision; T Broad; D'Live; CMB; Hyundai HCN; KT Olleh; Skylife; B TV; LG U+
Sri Lanka 2 Dialog; Peo
Taiwan 4 Taiwan Broadband; TWM; CNS; CHT
Thailand 3 Truevisions; TOT; AIS
Vietnam 8 SCTV; VTVCab; HTV-CMS; VNPT; Viettel; FPT; K+; Viva TV