
2024-2032 年按功能、组件、部署模式、最终用户和区域分類的零售分析市场报告

Retail Analytics Market Report by Function, Component, Deployment Mode, End User, and Region 2024-2032

出版日期: | 出版商: IMARC | 英文 135 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3个工作天内


IMARC Group年,全球零售分析市场规模达到 88 亿美元。由于组织数位化的不断扩大、基于云端的零售分析解决方案的使用不断增加,以及希望节省时间和金钱的消费者不断增长的线上购物习惯,零售分析市场正在经历显着增长。





竞争格局:零售分析产业的一些主要市场参与者包括 1010data Inc. (Advance Publications Inc.)、Adobe Inc.、Altair Engineering Inc.、Flir Systems Inc.、Fujitsu Limited、International Business Machines Corporation、Information Builders Inc. . 、Microsoft Corporation、Microstrategy Incorporated、Oracle Corporation、Qlik Technologies Inc. (Thoma Bravo LLC)、SAP SE、SAS Institute Inc.、Tableau Software LLC (Salesforce.com Inc.)、Tibco Software Inc. 等。




根据零售分析市场统计数据,人工智慧 (AI) 和机器学习 (ML) 正变得至关重要,因为它们极大地提高了营运效率和预测能力。如今,人工智慧的应用范围从专业层面到个人层面。据 Forbes Advisor 称,高达 97% 的企业主认为 ChatGPT 将使他们的企业受益。借助这项技术,商家现在可以比以往更准确地预测客户行为、管理库存水准并确定行销活动目标。人工智慧驱动的分析系统可以对大型资料集进行分析,以发现模式和趋势,从而实现即时决策,从而增加收入并满足客户需求。随着时间的推移,机器学习演算法变得更好,根据新资料不断增强其预测和建议。由于这一趋势,零售商正在采用更以消费者为中心和响应迅速的营运方法,这正在改变从供应链管理到客户参与策略的一切。


由于巨量资料和复杂分析工具的可用性,个人化是零售分析领域的主导趋势。零售商现在可以透过检查客户的偏好、购买模式甚至社交媒体活动来为客户提供高度客製化的购物体验。透过根据每个人的口味客製化产品和促销活动,这种数据驱动的策略使个人化行销成为可能,从而显着提高转换率并培养客户忠诚度,人们希望从他们购买的公司获得更多的包容性和人性化待遇。例如,根据《富比士》杂誌发布的报告,84% 的消费者表示,要赢得业务,被视为一个人而不是数字非常重要。此外,个人化超越了行销范围,还包括调整实际的购买体验,例如提供客製化的店内服务、动态定价和个人化推荐。透过匹配供应与需求,这种程度的客製化不仅提高了客户的满意度,还提高了零售营运效率。


零售分析的发展使全通路商务成为数位时代成功的关键策略。此策略透过整合多种购物管道(线上、行动和店内)创造无缝的消费者体验。为了创建一个有凝聚力的客户行为图景,零售分析追踪和分析所有平台上的消费者互动,这是在零售分析市场创造商机的关键组成部分。根据《富比士》报道,70% 的消费者表示,公司了解他们如何使用产品和服务对于赢得业务非常重要。这些资料对于改善客户服务、简化库存流程和建立一致的品牌体验至关重要。由于客户要求在线上和店内购买体验之间实现平稳过渡,因此使用分析来管理和改进这些互动正在成为零售策略的重要组成部分


IMARC Group提供了每个细分市场的主要趋势分析,以及 2024-2032 年全球、区域和国家层面的预测。我们的报告根据功能、组件、部署模式、最终用户对市场进行了分类。










由于对个人化客户体验的需求不断增长,以及在竞争激烈的零售环境中客户忠诚度和保留率的策略意义,客户管理在功能上引领零售分析市场。零售商可以透过使用分析来深入了解客户行为、偏好和购买习惯,从而提供客製化行销、改善客户互动并扩展其服务范围。例如,人口普查局的资料显示了对零售销售和电子商务趋势的重要洞察,这对于零售分析中的客户管理至关重要。此外,年度零售贸易调查还提供了各个零售部门的详细年度销售额、电子商务销售额和库存。这可以帮助企业了解消费者的购买模式并据此调整其客户管理策略。这种数据驱动的策略有助于识别有价值的客户,预测他们未来的购买模式并实施有效的忠诚度计划。此外,透过促进即时决策和预测分析,人工智慧 (AI) 和机器学习等技术的结合进一步增强了这些技术的功效。






软体在零售分析行业中占据主导地位,因为它将大量资料转化为可以付诸实践的见解至关重要,这有助于零售商做出更好的决策。美国人口普查局报告称,2021 年第一季度,电子商务销售额几乎占总销售额的 13%,凸显了分析在最大化线上销售策略方面的重要性。在当今数据驱动的市场环境中,零售分析软体为客户行为监控、库存管理和销售预测提供了广泛的解决方案。正如美国劳工统计局指出的那样,零售业越来越多地使用数位化运营,这需要先进的分析解决方案来管理当代零售运营的范围和复杂性。








































北美因其先进的技术基础设施、巨量资料解决方案的广泛使用以及对人工智慧 (AI) 和机器学习的大量投资而在零售分析市场占据主导地位。美国商务部报告称,2019 年北美零售电子商务销售额较 2020 年增长 32.4%,显示该行业的快速扩张以及对高级分析的需求不断增长。专注于零售分析解决方案以改善客户体验和营运效率的大型数位组织和新创公司将这个地区视为自己的家。美国经济分析局表示,零售业的数位转型推动了对理解消费者行为、管理库存和改善供应链的分析的需求。这进一步促进了零售分析市场的成长。


零售分析市场研究报告也对市场竞争格局进行了全面分析。也提供了所有主要公司的详细资料。零售分析产业的一些主要市场参与者包括 1010data Inc. (Advance Publications Inc.)、Adobe Inc.、Altair Engineering Inc.、Flir Systems Inc.、Fujitsu Limited、International Business Machines Corporation、Information Builders Inc.、Microsoft Corporation、 Microstrategy Incorporated、Oracle Corporation、Qlik Technologies Inc. (Thoma Bravo LLC)、SAP SE、SAS Institute Inc.、Tableau Software LLC (Salesforce.com Inc.)、Tibco Software Inc. 等。


零售分析领域的一些领先公司,例如 Microsoft Corporation、Fujitsu Limited、Flir Systems Inc.、Altair Engineering Inc.、Adobe Inc. 和 1010data Inc.,正在不断改进其产品,以增加零售分析市场价值。 1010data Inc. 是一家基于云端的分析供应商,专注于零售营运优化。 Adobe Inc. 透过其先进的 Adob​​e Analytics 平台提供客製化的数位行销解决方案。零售商可以在 Altair Engineering Inc. 的帮助下增强供应链和库存管理,该公司将分析融入产品设计中。 Flir Systems Inc. 使用尖端的热成像技术来深入了解客户行为和安全。完整的零售解决方案,例如数据驱动的销售点系统,由富士通有限公司提供。微软公司正在利用尖端的人工智慧和基于云端的技术来提高客户参与度,从而推进购物体验的个人化。总的来说,这些企业正在为复杂的、数据驱动的零售策略铺路。例如,Adobe Experience Platform 提供了客户旅程分析等新工具,零售商现在可以利用人工智慧来侦测不良体验(或发现新机会)。此次更新将异常检测功能扩展到了网站之外(主要在网站上使用),并允许品牌了解购物者在管道之间移动时出现问题的位置。


2024 年 2 月:Kroger 与 Intelligence Node 合作,增强市场清单并为第三方供应商提供更清晰的产品指南。

2024 年 1 月:微软宣布推出专为零售业设计的新 GenAI 工具,旨在个人化购物体验并即时协助第一线员工。


  • 2023 年全球零售分析市场规模有多大
  • 2024-2032 年全球零售分析市场的预期成长率是多少
  • 推动全球零售分析市场的关键因素是什么
  • COVID-19 对全球零售分析市场有何影响
  • 基于功能的全球零售分析市场的细分是什么
  • 基于组件的全球零售分析市场的细分是什么
  • 基于部署模式的全球零售分析市场区隔是怎样的
  • 基于最终用户的全球零售分析市场的细分是什么
  • 全球零售分析市场的关键区域有哪些
  • 10. 全球零售分析市场的主要参与者/公司有哪些?


  • 2023 年全球零售分析市场规模有多大? 2024-2032 年全球零售分析市场的预期成长率是多少?
  • 推动全球零售分析市场的关键因素是什么?
  • COVID-19 对全球零售分析市场有何影响?
  • 根据功能,全球零售分析市场的细分是什么?
  • 基于组件的全球零售分析市场的细分是什么?
  • 全球零售分析市场以部署模式划分是怎样的?
  • 基于最终用户的全球零售分析市场的细分是什么?
  • 全球零售分析市场的关键区域有哪些?
  • 谁是全球零售分析市场的主要参与者/公司?



第 2 章:范围与方法

  • 研究目的
  • 利害关係人
  • 数据来源
    • 主要来源
    • 二手资料
  • 市场预测
    • 自下而上的方法
    • 自上而下的方法
  • 预测方法

第 3 章:执行摘要

第 4 章:简介

  • 概述
  • 主要行业趋势

第 5 章:全球零售分析市场

  • 市场概况
  • 市场表现
  • COVID-19 的影响
  • 市场预测

第 6 章:市场区隔:按功能

  • 客户管理
    • 市场趋势
    • 市场预测
  • 店内营运
    • 市场趋势
    • 市场预测
  • 策略与规划
    • 市场趋势
    • 市场预测
  • 供应链管理
    • 市场趋势
    • 市场预测
  • 行销和推销
    • 市场趋势
    • 市场预测
  • 其他的
    • 市场趋势
    • 市场预测

第 7 章:市场区隔:按组成部分

  • 软体
    • 市场趋势
    • 市场预测
  • 服务
    • 市场趋势
    • 市场预测

第 8 章:市场区隔:依部署模式

  • 本地
    • 市场趋势
    • 市场预测
  • 基于云端
    • 市场趋势
    • 市场预测

第 9 章:市场区隔:按最终用户

  • 中小企业
    • 市场趋势
    • 市场预测
  • 大型企业
    • 市场趋势
    • 市场预测

第 10 章:市场区隔:按地区

  • 北美洲
    • 美国
    • 加拿大
  • 亚太地区
    • 中国
    • 日本
    • 印度
    • 韩国
    • 澳洲
    • 印尼
    • 其他的
  • 欧洲
    • 德国
    • 法国
    • 英国
    • 义大利
    • 西班牙
    • 俄罗斯
    • 其他的
  • 拉丁美洲
    • 巴西
    • 墨西哥
    • 其他的
  • 中东和非洲
    • 市场趋势
    • 市场细分:按国家/地区
    • 市场预测

第 11 章:SWOT 分析

  • 概述
  • 优势
  • 弱点
  • 机会
  • 威胁

第 12 章:价值链分析

第 13 章:波特五力分析

  • 概述
  • 买家的议价能力
  • 供应商的议价能力
  • 竞争程度
  • 新进入者的威胁
  • 替代品的威胁

第 14 章:价格分析


  • 市场结构
  • 关键参与者
  • 关键参与者简介
    • 1010data Inc. (Advance Publications Inc.)
    • Adobe Inc.
    • Altair Engineering Inc.
    • Flir Systems Inc.
    • Fujitsu Limited
    • International Business Machines Corporation
    • Information Builders Inc.
    • Microsoft Corporation
    • Microstrategy Incorporated
    • Oracle Corporation
    • Qlik Technologies Inc. (Thoma Bravo LLC)
    • SAP SE
    • SAS Institute Inc.
    • Tableau Software LLC (Salesforce.com Inc.)
    • Tibco Software Inc.
Product Code: SR112024A2372

The global retail analytics market size reached US$ 8.8 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 40.0 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 17.8% during 2024-2032. The retail analytics market is experiencing significant growth driven by the expanding digitization in organizations, rising use of cloud-based retail analytics solutions, and growing online shopping habits of consumers looking to save time and money.

Retail Analytics Market Analysis:

Major Market Drivers: The retail analytics market outlook is primarily driven by the enhanced utilization of data analytics and machine learning in stock inventory control, supply chain optimization, and customer behavior analysis. Merchandises (retailers), with the aid of these technologies, come to know the tastes of consumers, organize collections appropriately, improve their operational processes, and eventually increase their sales and profits.

Key Market Trends: The major trend in the retail analytics industry is the emergence of a cloud-based analytics solution as a mainstream offering. These solutions give retailers scalability, flexibility, and real-time data access, which are the necessary tools to have a better generation and processing of large data volumes. With the help of cloud-based analytics, retailers collaborate and integrate available information over several channels and positions and act in one direction to give customers the choice of omnichannel shopping.

Geographical Trends: North America leads in market adoption, driven by advanced technology infrastructure and the strong presence of major retail players. In North America, a mature retail market with a high level of technology innovation, there is an environment fit for retailers to implement advanced analytics solutions to support their operations.

Competitive Landscape: Some of the major market players in the retail analytics industry include 1010data Inc. (Advance Publications Inc.), Adobe Inc., Altair Engineering Inc., Flir Systems Inc., Fujitsu Limited, International Business Machines Corporation, Information Builders Inc., Microsoft Corporation, Microstrategy Incorporated, Oracle Corporation, Qlik Technologies Inc. (Thoma Bravo LLC), SAP SE, SAS Institute Inc., Tableau Software LLC (Salesforce.com Inc.), Tibco Software Inc., among many others.

Challenges and Opportunities: The retail analytics market faces data privacy issues that concern the regulatory environment and the consumers' cautions related to data security and privacy. Nonetheless, the introduction of AI opens a lot of possibilities for personalized customer experiences, targeted marketing initiatives, and increased efficiency in operations. The retailers will be able to control the practical power of AI-driven analytics for predicting customer preferences, creating efficient price strategies as well as the overall competitiveness in the market.

Retail Analytics Market Trends:

Integration of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

As per the retail analytics market statistics, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are becoming essential as they offer profound enhancements in the operations efficiencies and capability of prediction. AI is being used from professional to personal level these days. According to Forbes Advisor, a staggering 97% of business owners believe that ChatGPT will benefit their businesses. With the help of this technology, merchants can now more precisely than ever predict customer behavior, manage inventory levels, and target marketing campaigns. Large datasets can be analyzed by AI-driven analytics systems to find patterns and trends, enabling real-time decision-making that may boost revenue and satisfy customers. With time, machine learning algorithms get better, continuously enhancing their projections and suggestions based on fresh data. Retailers are adopting a more consumer-centric and responsive approach to operations due to this trend, which is changing everything from supply chain management to customer engagement tactics.

Enhanced Customer Experience through Personalization

Due to the availability of big data and sophisticated analytical tools, personalization is a dominant trend in the retail analytics sector. Retailers may now provide clients with extremely customized shopping experiences by examining their preferences, purchasing patterns, and even social media activity. By customizing products and promotions to everyone's tastes, personalized marketing is made possible by this data-driven strategy, which dramatically raises conversion rates and fosters client loyalty, people want more of inclusivity and human treatment from the companies they buy from. For instance, as per the report published by Forbes Magazine, 84% of consumers say being treated like a person, not a number is very important to winning their business. Furthermore, personalization goes beyond marketing to include adjusting the actual purchasing experience, such as offering customized in-store services, dynamic pricing, and personalized recommendations. By matching supply with demand, this degree of customisation not only raises customer pleasure but also boosts retail operations efficiency.

Adoption of Omnichannel Strategies

Retail analytics developments have made omnichannel commerce a crucial strategy for success in the digital age. This strategy creates a seamless consumer experience by integrating many shopping channels (online, mobile, and in-store). In order to create a cohesive picture of customer behaviour, retail analytics track and analyze consumer interactions across all platforms, which is a critical component to create business opportunities in the retail analytics market. According to Forbes, 70% of consumers say that a company understanding how they use products and services is very important to winning their business. This data is essential for improving customer service, streamlining the inventory process, and building a consistent brand experience. Using analytics to manage and improve these interactions is becoming an essential part of retail strategy as customers demand a smooth transition between online and in-store buying experience

Retail Analytics Market Segmentation:

IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market, along with forecasts at the global, regional, and country levels for 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on function, component, deployment mode, end user.

Breakup by Function:

Customer Management

In-store Operation

Strategy and Planning

Supply Chain Management

Marketing and Merchandizing


Customer management accounts for the majority of the market share

The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the function. This includes customer management, in-store operation, strategy and planning, supply chain management, marketing and merchandizing, and others. According to the report, customer management represented the largest segment.

Due to the growing demand for individualized customer experiences and the strategic significance of customer loyalty and retention in a cutthroat retail environment, customer management leads the retail analytics market by function. Retailers may deliver customized marketing, improve customer interactions, and expand their service offerings by using analytics to obtain deep insights into customer behaviors, preferences, and purchasing habits. For instance, the Census Bureau data shows significant insights into retail sales and e-commerce trends which are crucial for customer management in retail analytics. In addition, the Annual Retail Trade Survey provides detailed annual sales, e-commerce sales, and inventories across various retail sectors. This can help businesses understand consumer buying patterns and adapt their customer management strategies accordingly. This data-driven strategy aids in the identification of valuable clients, forecasting their future purchasing patterns and putting in place efficient loyalty schemes. Furthermore, by facilitating real-time decision-making and predictive analytics, the incorporation of technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning further augments the efficacy of these techniques.

Breakup by Component:



Software holds the largest share of the industry

A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the component have also been provided in the report. This includes software and services. According to the report, software accounted for the largest market share.

Software dominates the retail analytics industry as it is crucial to turning massive volumes of data into insights that can be put into practice, which helps retailers make better decisions. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that in Q12021, e-commerce sales made up almost 13% of overall sales, highlighting the significance of analytics in maximizing online sales tactics. In today's data-driven market climate, retail analytics software offers extensive solutions for customer behavior monitoring, inventory management, and sales forecasting. The growing use of digital operations in retail, as noted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, calls for advanced analytics solutions to manage the scope and intricacy of contemporary retail operations.

Breakup by Deployment Mode:



Cloud-based represents the leading market segment

The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the deployment mode. This includes on-premises and cloud-based. According to the report, cloud-based represented the largest segment.

Due to their scalability, flexibility, and affordability-all of which are critical for managing the enormous volumes of data created by contemporary retail operations-cloud-based solutions provide a positive impact on the retail analytics industry outlook. Retailers are able to efficiently handle peak shopping periods because they have the flexibility to scale resources up or down as needed. A U.S. Small Business Administration survey states that as cloud computing can lower IT overhead expenses and increase operational efficiency, small and medium-sized firms are adopting it at an increasing rate. This change is particularly important for the retail industry, where real-time data processing and analytics are required due to changing market conditions. Cloud systems make this possible by offering data storage and sophisticated analysis capabilities without requiring a substantial initial outlay of funds.

Breakup by End User:

Small and Medium Enterprises

Large Enterprises

Large enterprises exhibit a clear dominance in the market

A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the end user have also been provided in the report. This includes small and medium enterprises and large enterprises. According to the report, large enterprises accounted for the largest market share.

Due to their vast operational scope and the intricate data environments, they oversee, large organizations hold a dominant position in the end-user retail analytics market. These companies possess the infrastructure and financial means to invest in cutting-edge retail analytics solutions, which are essential for managing the enormous volumes of data produced across numerous channels and regions. Large businesses may learn a great deal about market trends, supply chain efficiency, and consumer behavior by integrating and analyzing this data. Strategic planning, competitiveness in international markets, and operational optimization all depend on this degree of analytics. Large businesses can also frequently use more advanced analytics, such as AI-driven tools and predictive modeling, to spur innovation and enhance consumer experiences.

Breakup By Region:

North America

United States


Asia Pacific




South Korea







United Kingdom





Latin America




Middle East and Africa

North America leads the market, accounting for the largest retail analytics market share

The report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America (the United States and Canada); Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, and others); Europe (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and others); Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and others); and the Middle East and Africa. According to the report, North America represented the largest market for retail analytics.

North America dominates the retail analytics market due to its sophisticated technological infrastructure, there has been a widespread use of big data solutions, and large investments in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. The U.S. Department of Commerce reports that North American retail e-commerce sales increased 32.4% in 2019 compared to 2020, indicating the sector's rapid expansion and the growing demand for advanced analytics. Large digital organizations and startups that specialize in retail analytics solutions to improve customer experiences and operational efficiency call this region home. According to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, the demand for analytics to comprehend consumer behavior, manage inventory, and improve supply chains is driven by the digital transformation in retail. This is further catalyzing the retail analytics market growth.

Competitive Landscape:

The retail analytics market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the major market players in the retail analytics industry include 1010data Inc. (Advance Publications Inc.), Adobe Inc., Altair Engineering Inc., Flir Systems Inc., Fujitsu Limited, International Business Machines Corporation, Information Builders Inc., Microsoft Corporation, Microstrategy Incorporated, Oracle Corporation, Qlik Technologies Inc. (Thoma Bravo LLC), SAP SE, SAS Institute Inc., Tableau Software LLC (Salesforce.com Inc.), Tibco Software Inc, etc.

(Please note that this is only a partial list of the key players, and the complete list is provided in the report.)

Some of the leading companies in the retail analytics space, such as Microsoft Corporation, Fujitsu Limited, Flir Systems Inc., Altair Engineering Inc., Adobe Inc., and 1010data Inc., are constantly improving their products to increase the retail analytics market value. 1010data Inc. is a cloud-based analytics provider with a strong emphasis on retail operations optimization. Adobe Inc. provides customized digital marketing solutions through its advanced Adobe Analytics platform. Retailers can enhance supply chain and inventory management with the assistance of Altair Engineering Inc., which incorporates analytics into product design. Flir Systems Inc. uses cutting-edge thermal imaging technology to gain insights into customer behavior and security. Complete retail solutions, such as data-driven point-of-sale systems, are provided by Fujitsu Limited. Microsoft Corporation, is advancing the personalization of shopping experiences by leveraging cutting-edge AI and cloud-based technologies to improve customer engagement. Collectively, these businesses are paving the way for sophisticated, data-driven retail strategy. For instance, Adobe Experience Platform delivered new tools such as customer journey analytics with which retailers can now leverage AI to detect broken experiences (or to uncover new opportunities). This update takes anomaly detection beyond the website - where it has been predominantly used - and allows brands to see where issues arise as shoppers move between channels.

Retail Analytics Market News:

Feb 2024: Kroger partnered with Intelligence Node to enhance marketplace listings and provide clearer product guides for third-party vendors.

Jan 2024: Microsoft announced the launch of new GenAI tools specifically designed for the retail industry, aiming to personalize shopping experiences and assist frontline workers in real time.

Key Questions Answered in This Report

  • 1. What was the size of the global retail analytics market in 2023?
  • 2. What is the expected growth rate of the global retail analytics market during 2024-2032?
  • 3. What are the key factors driving the global retail analytics market?
  • 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on the global retail analytics market?
  • 5. What is the breakup of the global retail analytics market based on the function?
  • 6. What is the breakup of the global retail analytics market based on the component?
  • 7. What is the breakup of the global retail analytics market based on the deployment mode?
  • 8. What is the breakup of the global retail analytics market based on the end user?
  • 9. What are the key regions in the global retail analytics market?
  • 10. Who are the key players/companies in the global retail analytics market?

Table of Contents

1 Preface

2 Scope and Methodology

  • 2.1 Objectives of the Study
  • 2.2 Stakeholders
  • 2.3 Data Sources
    • 2.3.1 Primary Sources
    • 2.3.2 Secondary Sources
  • 2.4 Market Estimation
    • 2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach
    • 2.4.2 Top-Down Approach
  • 2.5 Forecasting Methodology

3 Executive Summary

4 Introduction

  • 4.1 Overview
  • 4.2 Key Industry Trends

5 Global Retail Analytics Market

  • 5.1 Market Overview
  • 5.2 Market Performance
  • 5.3 Impact of COVID-19
  • 5.4 Market Forecast

6 Market Breakup by Function

  • 6.1 Customer Management
    • 6.1.1 Market Trends
    • 6.1.2 Market Forecast
  • 6.2 In-store Operation
    • 6.2.1 Market Trends
    • 6.2.2 Market Forecast
  • 6.3 Strategy and Planning
    • 6.3.1 Market Trends
    • 6.3.2 Market Forecast
  • 6.4 Supply Chain Management
    • 6.4.1 Market Trends
    • 6.4.2 Market Forecast
  • 6.5 Marketing and Merchandizing
    • 6.5.1 Market Trends
    • 6.5.2 Market Forecast
  • 6.6 Others
    • 6.6.1 Market Trends
    • 6.6.2 Market Forecast

7 Market Breakup by Component

  • 7.1 Software
    • 7.1.1 Market Trends
    • 7.1.2 Market Forecast
  • 7.2 Services
    • 7.2.1 Market Trends
    • 7.2.2 Market Forecast

8 Market Breakup by Deployment Mode

  • 8.1 On-premises
    • 8.1.1 Market Trends
    • 8.1.2 Market Forecast
  • 8.2 Cloud-based
    • 8.2.1 Market Trends
    • 8.2.2 Market Forecast

9 Market Breakup by End User

  • 9.1 Small and Medium Enterprises
    • 9.1.1 Market Trends
    • 9.1.2 Market Forecast
  • 9.2 Large Enterprises
    • 9.2.1 Market Trends
    • 9.2.2 Market Forecast

10 Market Breakup by Region

  • 10.1 North America
    • 10.1.1 United States
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 10.1.2 Canada
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
  • 10.2 Asia Pacific
    • 10.2.1 China
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 10.2.2 Japan
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 10.2.3 India
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 10.2.4 South Korea
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 10.2.5 Australia
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 10.2.6 Indonesia
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 10.2.7 Others
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
  • 10.3 Europe
    • 10.3.1 Germany
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 10.3.2 France
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 10.3.3 United Kingdom
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 10.3.4 Italy
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 10.3.5 Spain
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 10.3.6 Russia
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 10.3.7 Others
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
  • 10.4 Latin America
    • 10.4.1 Brazil
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 10.4.2 Mexico
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
    • 10.4.3 Others
      • Market Trends
      • Market Forecast
  • 10.5 Middle East and Africa
    • 10.5.1 Market Trends
    • 10.5.2 Market Breakup by Country
    • 10.5.3 Market Forecast

11 SWOT Analysis

  • 11.1 Overview
  • 11.2 Strengths
  • 11.3 Weaknesses
  • 11.4 Opportunities
  • 11.5 Threats

12 Value Chain Analysis

13 Porters Five Forces Analysis

  • 13.1 Overview
  • 13.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
  • 13.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
  • 13.4 Degree of Competition
  • 13.5 Threat of New Entrants
  • 13.6 Threat of Substitutes

14 Price Analysis

15 Competitive Landscape

  • 15.1 Market Structure
  • 15.2 Key Players
  • 15.3 Profiles of Key Players
    • 15.3.1 1010data Inc. (Advance Publications Inc.)
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
    • 15.3.2 Adobe Inc.
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Financials
      • SWOT Analysis
    • 15.3.3 Altair Engineering Inc.
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Financials
    • 15.3.4 Flir Systems Inc.
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Financials
      • SWOT Analysis
    • 15.3.5 Fujitsu Limited
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Financials
      • SWOT Analysis
    • 15.3.6 International Business Machines Corporation
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Financials
      • SWOT Analysis
    • 15.3.7 Information Builders Inc.
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
    • 15.3.8 Microsoft Corporation
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Financials
      • SWOT Analysis
    • 15.3.9 Microstrategy Incorporated
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Financials
      • SWOT Analysis
    • 15.3.10 Oracle Corporation
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Financials
      • SWOT Analysis
    • 15.3.11 Qlik Technologies Inc. (Thoma Bravo LLC)
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
    • 15.3.12 SAP SE
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • Financials
      • SWOT Analysis
    • 15.3.13 SAS Institute Inc.
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • SWOT Analysis
    • 15.3.14 Tableau Software LLC (Salesforce.com Inc.)
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
    • 15.3.15 Tibco Software Inc.
      • Company Overview
      • Product Portfolio
      • SWOT Analysis

List of Figures

  • Figure 1: Global: Retail Analytics Market: Major Drivers and Challenges
  • Figure 2: Global: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Billion US$), 2018-2023
  • Figure 3: Global: Retail Analytics Market: Breakup by Function (in %), 2023
  • Figure 4: Global: Retail Analytics Market: Breakup by Component (in %), 2023
  • Figure 5: Global: Retail Analytics Market: Breakup by Deployment Mode (in %), 2023
  • Figure 6: Global: Retail Analytics Market: Breakup by End User (in %), 2023
  • Figure 7: Global: Retail Analytics Market: Breakup by Region (in %), 2023
  • Figure 8: Global: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Billion US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 9: Global: Retail Analytics (Customer Management) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 10: Global: Retail Analytics (Customer Management) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 11: Global: Retail Analytics (In-store Operation) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 12: Global: Retail Analytics (In-store Operation) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 13: Global: Retail Analytics (Strategy and Planning) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 14: Global: Retail Analytics (Strategy and Planning) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 15: Global: Retail Analytics (Supply Chain Management) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 16: Global: Retail Analytics (Supply Chain Management) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 17: Global: Retail Analytics (Marketing and Merchandizing) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 18: Global: Retail Analytics (Marketing and Merchandizing) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 19: Global: Retail Analytics (Other Functions) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 20: Global: Retail Analytics (Other Functions) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 21: Global: Retail Analytics (Software) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 22: Global: Retail Analytics (Software) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 23: Global: Retail Analytics (Services) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 24: Global: Retail Analytics (Services) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 25: Global: Retail Analytics (On-premises) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 26: Global: Retail Analytics (On-premises) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 27: Global: Retail Analytics (Cloud-based) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 28: Global: Retail Analytics (Cloud-based) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 29: Global: Retail Analytics (Small and Medium Enterprises) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 30: Global: Retail Analytics (Small and Medium Enterprises) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 31: Global: Retail Analytics (Large Enterprises) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 32: Global: Retail Analytics (Large Enterprises) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 33: North America: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 34: North America: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 35: United States: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 36: United States: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 37: Canada: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 38: Canada: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 39: Asia Pacific: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 40: Asia Pacific: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 41: China: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 42: China: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 43: Japan: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 44: Japan: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 45: India: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 46: India: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 47: South Korea: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 48: South Korea: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 49: Australia: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 50: Australia: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 51: Indonesia: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 52: Indonesia: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 53: Others: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 54: Others: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 55: Europe: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 56: Europe: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 57: Germany: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 58: Germany: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 59: France: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 60: France: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 61: United Kingdom: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 62: United Kingdom: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 63: Italy: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 64: Italy: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 65: Spain: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 66: Spain: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 67: Russia: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 68: Russia: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 69: Others: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 70: Others: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 71: Latin America: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 72: Latin America: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 73: Brazil: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 74: Brazil: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 75: Mexico: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 76: Mexico: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 77: Others: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 78: Others: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 79: Middle East and Africa: Retail Analytics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 80: Middle East and Africa: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Breakup by Country (in %), 2023
  • Figure 81: Middle East and Africa: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 82: Global: Retail Analytics Industry: SWOT Analysis
  • Figure 83: Global: Retail Analytics Industry: Value Chain Analysis
  • Figure 84: Global: Retail Analytics Industry: Porter's Five Forces Analysis

List of Tables

  • Table 1: Global: Retail Analytics Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2023 and 2032
  • Table 2: Global: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Breakup by Function (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Table 3: Global: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Breakup by Component (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Table 4: Global: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Breakup by Deployment Mode (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Table 5: Global: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Breakup by End User (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Table 6: Global: Retail Analytics Market Forecast: Breakup by Region (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Table 7: Global: Retail Analytics Market Structure
  • Table 8: Global: Retail Analytics Market: Key Players